Importance of Connection – Psalm 84

The Bible illustrates Christ’s churches in several ways, two of which are a body and a family. I expect that you are familiar with both, because they come up fairly frequently in our messages. But just to refresh your memory, Paul, in I Corinthians 12 spends time...

January 2025

Dear Pastor and Church, As the new year begins, I look back at the blessings of our Lord upon our ministry and my health. During the last year I preached on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and then on some of our Articles of Faith. Such a study was a great blessing to...

March 2

A few months ago, I shared with you the salvation testimony of Samuel Houston.  It is from this man that the city of Houston derived its name.  Sam Houston is revered by most Texans, but he should also be honored by the children of God around the world. Sam was born...

Do it Now  –  Acts 12:1-10

It is safe to say that Peter’s deliverance from Herod’s prison was miraculous.  That Peter was asleep under the circumstances was itself somewhat miraculous, but that is not the point.  More literally, it was a miracle that one of God’s angels appeared in a locked...

Setting the Stage – John 2:1-11

As gold is to fools gold, so is the Bible to all other books. While many books are helpful for one reason or another, only one is of infinite value – the revelation of God. A knowledge of the Bible means an acquaintance with the God of eternity. Having said that, we...

February 23

James Smith Coleman was born on this day in 1827. He was born again early in life and at the age of eleven was received into the Beaver Dam Baptist Church in Kentucky following his immersion. When he grew into maturity, he was elected the sheriff of his county, but...

The Secret of Abiding Joy – Habakkuk 3:16-19

  Ha-BAK-kuk, the man with the crooked name, is one of the celebrities of Heaven; one of the friends of God. I will try to pronounce his name “Ha-BAK-uk,” because both my first Bible and my current Bible, give him that pronunciation. But I have to admit that my...

Joseph Davis was born into a Puritan home in seventeenth century England.  Joseph’s father, because of his nonconformist stand, lost all his possessions, and his son was forced to grow up in godly poverty.  While apprenticed to a silk dealer in Coventry, he learned...

Pictures of Persistent Patience – James 5:7-11

I know that you ladies looked at this scripture last Saturday, but none of us men were there. I feel led of the Lord to share with the rest of us, what you all learned the other day. Some people like to say that Job is “a picture of patience.” Despite what our...