Life out of Death – Acts 17:1-3

Our text reminds us that it was Paul’s custom when he came to a community to go into the Jewish synagogue. When given the opportunity, he would open up the Old Testament to specific scriptures and read. Then he would prove through prophesy that the Jewish Messiah –...

March 31

I have shared this story before, but I like it, even though it may leave some of you ladies shaking your heads. Abraham Marshall, son of Daniel Marshall, had been pastoring the Baptist church at Kiokee Georgia for eight years, when he decided that it was God’s will to...

Annotations on Anatomy– I Corinthians 6:19-20

Years ago, we had a member who, earlier in his life, had been a Baptist pastor. Knowing the pressures and problems of the ministry, he went out of his way to be a blessing to Judy and me. He and his wife were generous, taking us out for meals, and often inviting us to...

Appealing the Court’s Decision  –  Mark 14:53-65

This begins a special week across most of Christendom.  But it might be debated whether it should be.  This is the season when many professing Christians spend time thinking about the crucifixion of Christ.  But I try my best to make you think about the cross...

March 24

The length of a person’s life is not as important as what he or she does with that life. Grover Comstock, the son of a Baptist pastor, was born on this day in 1809. He was not born again until 1831 when the Lord blessed the city of Rochester, New York, with a powerful...

Prayer Problems – Hebrews 10:19-22

What would you say is greatest blessing that we have as Christians? Is it the forgiveness of all our sins – past, present and future? Is it the ability to live above our temptations with assurance of victory through Christ and the Spirit? Is it eternal life and our...

February 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Bible Studies Month                As I am in the work of finishing the preaching on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and preaching precisely on, “The Holy Spirit’s Divine Work in the Preservation of the Holy Scriptures,” I find people who...

March 17

Elisha Andrews was born in Connecticut, on September 29, 1768. After his family moved to Vermont, he ended up in New York, where the Lord saved him. He was baptized by Elder Joseph Cornell, after which he united with the Baptist church in Galway. Then soon after that,...