May 5

James Ireland was born in Scotland, but he was born again in Virginia. He became a fearless preacher of the gospel in a colony where that ministry was illegal. He experienced the wrath of Protestant persecution more than most. On one occasion, while in prayer two men...

Short-Sighted Faith – John 5:39-47

After the Lord Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda, another confrontation with the Jews began. Questions came up about Jesus’ authority and power. In John 5:22 Christ said, “The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son, that all men...

The Strength of Weakness  –  Matthew 26:36-44

I am of the opinion that each of us are tri-part creatures.  There are some theologians who insist that man is made up of two parts – physical and spiritual.  But I take Paul seriously when he says prayed for his friends in Thessalonica:  “And the very God of peace...

The Preaching of the Cross – I Corinthians 1:14-31

A few minutes ago, I shared with you the salvation testimony of James A. Stewart. Stewart was a thirteen-year-old Scot, who dreamed of becoming a soccer superstar, and he was well on his way to that goal, already playing before thousands of rabid fans as a center...

April 28

T.T. Martin was born on this day in 1862 in Mississippi, where his father was a preacher and college professor. Although he wanted to become a lawyer, the Lord saved his soul and called him to preach the gospel. After attending seminary in Louisville, he began his...

March 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: A Busy Month with Visitors! We have had several visitors this month. Sis. Kim Williams talked to a young man at the Aldi store inviting him to our services, and he came. He brought a Bible with him and later brought his eight-year-old son and...

Self-disqualification – Luke 24:13-15

We will not always have a message about the Lord’s Supper before we observe the Lord’s Supper. Sometimes it will be a sermon about something entirely different. And then once in a while we may not have a message all – we’ll just say a few words and begin. But this...

That which is Untouchable – II Corinthians 5:1-4

I read a story the other day which I assume to be true. An evangelist was in a London park, openly preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a busy day, with lots of people walking by, some were playing, and many were talking. But the preacher had been...

April 21

I will add to the note we had last week about the history of black people in early Baptist churches. On this day in 1867, in its official records, we read: “The Baptist Church of Christ at Kiokee met and proceeded to the ordination of Brother Billy Harriss, colored,...