Mending Their Nets – Matthew 4:18-22

The Lord Jesus was just beginning His earthly ministry. Matthew 3 ended with His baptism and His Father’s approval, emphasized with the declaration: “THIS is my beloved Son, in whom I am WELL pleased.” Our chapter begins with the battle between Jesus and Satan – “Then...

April 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren, The Lord has showered us with many blessings this month! Our attendance for the month was as follows: 13, 5, 9, and 10. We had several visitors, the Wright family from Columbus, Ne., visited with us one Sunday while on their way to see the...

The Gospel According to Aurora – John 1:1-14

I’d like us to have some serious fun for a few minutes. A couple weeks ago I preached a message called “The Gospel According to Ephesians,” in which I went through Paul’s epistle, trying to outline the message of salvation. This morning, I’d like to point to some...

Azazel, the Scapegoat – Leviticus 16:1-10

In Luke 2, the twelve-year-old Jesus of Nazareth, probably with some degree of shyness, humility and perhaps awe, came, by Himself, into the glorious temple in Jerusalem. In my imagination, seeing some priests in their special robes talking with other apparently...

May 26

Toliver Craig and his wife were the parents of three sons, all of whom became Baptist preachers.  Elijah and Lewis Craig were often incarcerated in Northern Virginia jails for preaching Christ without a state licence, although they were usually charged with being...

The Education of an Apostle – II Timothy 4:9-17

The Holy Spirit hasn’t revealed a lot about the personal life of the Apostle Paul. In fact, there are relative few details about any of the great characters of the Bible. But there are little snippets from time to time about David, Abraham, Nehemiah and Daniel. And...


On this day in 1662 the King of England signed the “Act of Uniformity,’ which demanded that all the churches of Britain had to agree to use the recently revised Anglican “Book of Common Prayer.” Any member of the clergy which did not conform to the law by August 24 of...

The Doctrine of Doctrine – Romans 16:16-18

Mom has gone to the grocery store, and one of the things on her shopping list is cantaloup. When she comes to a bin with more than fifty cantaloups, how will she know which is the very best? Some shoppers make their decision based upon the color of the fruit, while...

May 12

On this day in 1810, the following letter was written by Israel Potter from Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, to Thomas Baldwin in Boston Dear and Rev. Sir, In the beginning of March last, a most powerful reformation (revival) began in the lower part of this town, which...