In Every Garden there is a Tomb – John 11; John 19:41

I read a statement the other day which struck me – and stuck with me. The context was the death and burial of the Lord Jesus, when He died for our salvation. After quoting John 19:41, which says, “Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the...

June 16

On this day in 1816 Mary Carey (no relation to Harry Caray) wrote to her brother, missionary William Carey in India.  The primary subject of the letter was to inform him of the death of their father.  But I have more interest in Mary than in that letter or her father....

Nigh Drawing – James 4:6-10

I am not a artist; I can’t draw accurately, and can’t paint. I even have a hard time painting the walls in my house. I have a hard time keeping my crayons between the lines. But I am surrounded by artists, and our house is filled with their original work – from...

Trilogy of the Trinity – II Corinthians 13:14

Do you have a standard salutation you share with people just before you depart to go your separate ways? What do you say before you click “End call” on your phone or when you’ve finished preparing your email? If you are like me, you may have a regular form of...

The Baptist’s Christology – John 1:15-18

Probably, neither the Apostle John, nor John the Baptist, ever considered themselves to be theologians. Technically, a “theologian” is someone who academically studies the nature of God and religion. John the Apostle, the penman of this gospel, and John the Baptist,...

June 9

Morgan Edwards was born in Wales in 1722 and was educated in England at Bristol College. Upon the recommendation of John Gill, the Baptist Church in Philadelphia invited Edwards to become their pastor. He and his wife emigrated to this country, where the Lord greatly...

Replenishing the Gift Card – Ephesians 5:18

Judy and I are “old school” when it comes to many areas of our finances. Some people might simplify that and just say that we are “old.” Whatever – each week I personally take the check our treasurer gives me and I deposit it. I don’t take a picture of it and email it...

How the Bible Gave Us Chloroform – Genesis 2:18-23

I have read, over and over again, the words of famous people extolling the Bible and its influence on our world. Those quotes have come from American presidents, scientists, scholars in literature, historians, anthropologists and many others. They say such things as,...

Bridge of Spies – I Timothy 2:1-6

Nine years ago, Tom Hanks starred in a movie called “Bridge of Spies.” I don’t usually do this, but I’m going use that movie and the true story behind, it to introduce a wonderful Bible doctrine – Jesus Christ is God’s Mediator between Himself and us. In 1960 an...

Une 2

Last week, our subject was Joseph Craig. Joseph was the brother of Lewis and Elijah Craig, Baptist preachers of Virginia and Kentucky. This week our subject is Elijah. Elijah Craig was brought to Christ in 1764 through the ministry of David Thomas, a Regular Baptist...