In the Desert with God – Exodus 13:17-22

For the sake of a short lesson, I’d like to use Israel while in the wilderness as an allegory of the Christian life. Now – when you picture that forty-year national meandering, do you picture that “wilderness” as a “desert?” If you do, you need to understand that is...

May 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren, Articles of Faith. I have returned to preaching messages on our Articles of Faith which I had been using for Wednesday evening services when the pandemic shut us down. Those articles are a blessing to us because of their clarity and...

Jailor Behavior – Acts 16:11-34

I read a statement the other day which appears to me to be a relatively good description of today’s world. “We are living in a time when sensitivities are at the surface, often vented with cutting words. Philosophically, you can believe anything, so long as you do not...

June 30

On this day in 1775, Caleb Evans, the president of the Bristol Baptist College sat down at his desk and wrote a letter to a young graduate of the college named John Sutcliff.  Sutcliff had been a good student, and Evans felt that he would be a blessing to many...

The Encouragement Epistle – II Timothy 1:6-7

It makes perfect sense if we think about it in one way, and then it is ridiculous if looked at differently. I’m talking about the fact that several sections of the inspired Word of God were written to individuals. It is easy to understand why the Holy Spirit spoke to...

At the Foot of Jesus – Luke 7:36-50

I don’t know if it is bad or good, but most of us don’t think much about our posture – especially our posture as it relates to others or to God. When I was a kid, a part of our Episcopal worship was using the kneeling cushions when we went to prayer. But then and here...

June 23

On this day in1738 Samuel Medley was born.  When the war began between England and France, Samuel joined the British navy.  During the Battle of Cape Lagos, he had a large portion of one leg blown away.  Soon gangrene began to set in, and the ship’s surgeon told him...

In Times Like These – Hebrews 6:17-20

A few minutes ago we sang Ruth Caye Jones’ hymn, “In Times like These.” In times like these you need a Saviour, and in times like these you need the Bible. In times like these you need an anchor which can grip the solid rock, the Lord Jesus Christ. Ruth Jones, born in...

My Sin is Ever Before Me – Psalm 51:1-4

In a book called “Mountains in the Mist,” Frank Boreham made some interesting comments on this Psalm. He reminded his readers that this is one of the so-called “Penitential Psalms” – songs written by sinners with broken hearts over their transgressions and the shame...