February 2025

Dear Pastor and Brethren, Spanish Outreach Although we have lost the Jose Bautista family, we continue to reach some of the Latino community with our personal contact and gospel tracts. The following names are those persons with whom we have had contact during the...

David Before the Bar – Psalm 4:1-8

Let’s put this Psalm into the context of one of the modern lawyer/crime stories. It might have been written by David Baldacci or perhaps more likely – John Grisham. The hero is a lawyer, and, believe it or not, he is a good man, who has spent his career fighting crime...

That Seamless Robe – John 19:13-24

We need to go back from time to time, to the place where Jesus gave His life to purchase our souls. Paul said to the Christians in Corinth, “Ye are BOUGHT with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” The price for the...

March 23

On this day in 1660 the “Vestry Law” was adopted in the Colony of Virginia.  It, in effect, described how vestries were to be organized throughout the region for the primary purpose of collecting taxes for the support of the officially recognized religion.  Members of...

Watch with Me – Matthew 26:26-40

Much of what took place in the Garden of Gethsemane is a mystery to me. I don’t know how to explain the emotions of the God-man, because I don’t know where the Son of God begins and where the Son of Man ends. So, this evening, I’m not going to dig into what Jesus was...

Pharaoh’s Phoolishness – Exodus 5:1-4

Both secular and Bible history tell us that the first Israelites spent time in an Egyptian prison. Their exodus or departure from Egypt – took place about 3,500 years ago. Even though hieroglyphics recount some of the material we have in the Bible – that event, so...

March 16

I have conflicting information about the birthday of Thomas Hume, Sr.  One article begins by saying he was born on March 16, 1812 and then later says on this twenty-first birthday, March 17, 1833 he became pastor of the Baptist church in Portsmouth, Virginia.  When I...

That I Might Know Christ – Philippians 3:7-11

As we read this chapter, do we ever consider the emotion which must have originally lay behind it? I confess to reading these words academically – prosaically – without emotion or genuine concern. Paul says, “I was raised as a Hebrew of the Hebrews, a Benjamite of the...

How to Quench the Spirit – I Thessalonians 5:16-22

This epistle to the church in Thessalonica is considered to be the first of Paul’s inspired letters. And most Bibles have this note after the end – “The first epistle unto the Thessalonians was written from Athens.” After preaching Christ in Thessalonica, Paul made a...

March 9

William Hickle was born on this day in 1807. When quite young he put his faith in Christ and soon joined the Little Flat Creek Baptist Church in Tennessee. When he was twenty, and newly married, he surrendered to the Lord’s call to preach the gospel, and he faithfully...