Dear Praying Friends,
The past few weeks have been very busy, which is about the way things normally are!
I wrote about visitors who have been in services lately. Sadly, Anna has not returned, but we are thankful that Barry has. Not only has he been back, but he brought a “lady friend” with him named May. Last week Barry was very fidgety in the service and eventually got up and walked out. I wondered what it was that I had said that had gotten him so upset. After the service was over I spoke with May who told me that shortly after the service began, Barry realised he had locked his keys in his car! She told him not to worry about it and that after the service someone would take him to his house to pick up the spare set, but that he could not get it out of his mind, so he left and walked home. May said she had greatly enjoyed the service. We were about to take her home when
Barry arrived with his spare key. He was able to get his car open, started, and the two of them drove home.
We have also had two Aboriginal people visiting off and on over the past few months. Kylie recently moved to in Mandurah and received a track from our Saturday track distributions. She said she was looking for a church that was King James Bible only. Kylie has a testimony of salvation, but also many “issues”. Sadly, these “issues” have kept her from being as faithful in services as she should be. Having said that, the past month or so she has also brought a friend with her when she comes. Chris lives in the Perth area and seems to be interested in spiritual things. Please pray for his salvation.
About a month ago Sister Tahlia switched support companies. The new company she is using seem much more concerned with her physical needs. Her support workers have been in services with her. We have not seen any of them saved, yet. Please pray.
Over the years there has been a national fellowship meeting in August. The past two years this meeting has been scheduled to be held in Queensland but been forced to be cancelled because of the travel restrictions here (due to -you guessed it-Covid-1984). This year Bro. David Winter, pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Rockingham (about 45 minutes north of us) decided to host three nights of services for the churches here in Western Australia. We very much enjoyed the preaching, singing and fellowship with other Independent Baptist people.
The beginning of September marks the official end of winter here. With the start of spring we are already seeing less rain, and warmer (and longer) days. The flowers are blooming in profusion and are beautiful. Of course there are some drawbacks. The snakes come out of hibernation. I haven’t seen any yet, but probably will any day now. Also the magpies are already swooping. Sarah was swooped last week but wasn’t hit. I think they saw her long hair and wanted some for their nest.

Thank you again for your prayers.  We trust each of you are well and enjoying the blessings of the LORD in your life.

In His service, the Mike Meredith Family