About Calvary Independent Baptist Church

Summary of our Doctrines

The King James Bible

We believe that God originally gave the Scriptures to man by divine inspiration; that Holy men of God were moved by the Holy Ghost to speak and write.

We believe that, not only did God give His Word by inspiration, but that He took steps to preserve His Word, just as He promised.

Our church believes that the Authorized, or the King James Version of the Bible, coming from manuscripts divinely preserved by God, is the Bible.

Visitors to our church may, once in a while, hear references to the original Greek and Hebrew languages, but the only English Bible used in our services is the King James Version.

Pre-tribulational Rapture

Based upon our understanding of Scripture, Calvary Baptist Church is living in the expectation of the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is, we believe that He could appear at any moment.

Furthermore, we believe that when Christ returns, it will be in two stages, with the first aspect being to call His saints to Himself, delivering them from the judgment soon to be out-poured upon earth.

We do not believe that we are currently in the Tribulation. Nor do we believe that this church will have to endure any portion of the Tribulation.

Sovereign Grace

Our church believes that “whosoever will to the Lord may come.” However we see that the Bible declares that by nature all mankind is spiritually dead and alien to God. In other words, sinners do not come to Christ of their own accord. It is not until God first gives the sinner a willing heart that he will repent, believe and come to Christ.

We believe that this gift of grace is sovereignly given by God to whomsoever He wills.

Our church is evangelical, and we invite sinners to come to Christ, but we know that only those whom the Lord first touches will turn to Him.


Calvary Baptist Church believes that the Lord Jesus started the first church – during His earthly ministry. We do not believe that the church started on the Day of Pentecost, but at least three years earlier, and we further believe that Jesus promised His church a continued existence – ie. perpetuity.

In our study of the Word of God we have become convinced that the kind of church that the Lord started was Baptistic, and history shows that Baptistic churches have existed from the time of Christ to the present day. Those churches have borne many different names in various places. One such name was “Anabaptist,” referring to those people’s practice of “re-baptizing” folk who wished to join them, coming from other organizations.

Traditional Worship

Our church approaches the worship of God with dignity and reverence. We do not use drums, dance bands or visuals. While in Sunday School we may use children’s choruses, but in our preaching services, we encourage people to sing the old songs of the faith from traditional song books, not from computerized projectors accompanied by electric guitars.

Pastor Oldfield

Although he has lived in the United States for much of his life, our pastor, K. David Oldfield was born in Vancouver, Canada. That fact may not be easily discerned, but every once in a while it displays itself in his humor or his general outlook on life.

It was in 1964, as a young man in high school, that he came to the realization of his sin and his need of the Saviour. Raised in Anglican (Episcopal) churches, he grew up with a respect for the Bible but without any idea of its contents. One October evening, while listening to the preaching of a Baptist pastor in Denver, Colorado, he came under deep, Holy Spirit conviction of his desperate spiritual condition. Repenting of his sin and trusting the Lord and His gracious gift of eternal life, the Lord gave this young visitor from Canada a new heart — and a new life. Soon he was baptized and received into an independent Baptist church in Northglenn, Colorado.

While a freshman in university, Bro. Oldfield felt the Lord’s call into the ministry and moved to Springfield, Missouri to attend Bible school. There he got a general understanding of the work of the Lord, but with much of the details yet to be learned. During that time, he married Miss Judy Price and the Oldfield family was duly formed.

Completing Bible school, the real education began. Bro. and Mrs. Oldfield moved to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada and then on to Calgary, where they worked with Missionary Ken Johnson. This was a period of spiritual and theological growth, when he came to an understanding of such important doctrines as the sovereignty of God, election and the local church. In 1972, Bro. Oldfield was ordained to the gospel ministry by the authority of Victory Baptist Church, of Wichita Falls, Texas.

After several years in Calgary, Bro. Oldfield was called to pastor the Bible Way Baptist Church in Deming, New Mexico, then in October, 1990, the Lord moved the Oldfields back north, to Post Falls, Idaho.

In addition to the members of Calvary Baptist Church, and now Christian friends in several countries, God has blessed the Oldfields with two children, a son, Kraig, and daughter, Jackie.

As a new Christian, Bro. Oldfield learned a simple chorus, to which after thirty years in the ministry, he still completely agrees: “There is joy in serving Jesus.”