Dear Pastor and Brethren

We are having a drought here in Oklahoma with temperatures often in the hundreds.
Please pray with us for rain as well as for spiritual blessings. Only the Lord can provide these needs for us. On the 4th of the month we had two of Bro. Jose Bautista’s children attend with him, Jesus (Hay-soos) and Josselyn. On the 25th of the month, Josselyn returned with her dad, as well as her sister Ellie with Ellie’s daughter, Mia. They also brought Briseyda, the daughter of another sister. They all come from time to time and hear the preaching of the Word of God. Some of these are children and Roxanne teaches them in a Sunday School class, and I preach to the rest of them in our main service. Ellie, Jesus, and Josselyn all speak and understand English but none of them come regularly. They need the Lord to save them. Sis. Connie, Bro. Gaches’ wife, had surgery on her foot, specifically on a broken tendon, and is recovering nicely although she is not yet able to walk.

Spanish Outreach

We were able to minister unto the following men by translating for them and giving them Gospel tracts: Editiel, Manuel, Juan, and Isaias.

Personal Health and Blessings

I had an appointment with my heart specialist, Dr. Dasari, down in Edmond, Ok. Every time Roxanne drives me down for an appointment, I get sick from the bumpiness of the roads. He has assigned me to receive Home Health Services hoping that I will get a little stronger and have more stamina for physical activity. So that “help,” has begun, and I seem to be improving little by little. However, I missed our Sunday morning service on the 18th because I was to weak to stand in the pulpit. Bro. Gaches filled in for me. We do appreciate your prayers for us concerning this congestive heart failure and ask you to keep on praying, please.

By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim and Roxanne Parrow

II Tim. 1:7