Dear Pastor and Church

On the thirtieth of June we had a first-time visitor by the name of Noah. He is a junior at OSU studying for an agricultural/business degree. He said that his father is a preacher in a small church down in southeastern Ok, and that he was going on vacation for two weeks but would return to visit with us. May the Lord’s will be done! Our attendance ranged from 12 on the first Sunday of June to 10 the last Sunday in June. I was sick one Sunday and asked Bro. Gaches to fill the pulpit for me.

We were able to minister to four Latino men this month; Alfredo, Nerio, Juan Gamez, and Gabriel Romero. Alfredo says he is a believer and goes to church services here in Stillwater.

I have a new heart doctor, Dr. Dasari, a heart failure specialist. His office is in Edmond, Ok., about an hour’s drive from Stillwater. He has explained that the upper portion of my heart is out of sync with the lower portion and that there are only two options to fix that lack of synchronization, medicines and shock treatment. He has given me two new medicines which I seem to be tolerating without side effects. He is going to add another the eighth day of August before returning to him for blood testing on the sixteenth of August. Would you all please pray that my system would not reject these medicines and that I might be able to have my heart put in sync for improved function of my heart, giving me more strength physically. Thank your for your prayers and giving to the Lord’s work here in Stillwater.

By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim and Roxanne Parrow

II Tim. 1:7