William Ashmore was born on this day in 1821. After the Lord redeemed him, he graduated from the Covington Theological Institution in Kentucky, and in 1848 he was ordained by the Baptist Church in Hamilton, Ohio. Two years later, he and his wife sailed for Hong Kong, China. They labored there, applying the principles of indigenous missions, and starting a church, until Mrs. Ashmore’s health required their return to America. Sadly she died en route and was buried at sea off the Cape of Good Hope, as he continued on to the States. In 1864 Ashmore returned to China with his second wife where he started a second mission. That church prospered as had the first, sponsoring and financing two native missionaries of their own. After returning to the States from 1875 to 1877 the Ashmores returned to China and found their former mission in a good condition. When William made another return to America, he left his son in the field, guaranteeing some continuity to the work. In 1891 he sailed once again to China where he served out the last years of his life. The Lord blessed the labors of William Ashmore and his family, and today there are Chinese souls in Heaven due to the faithfulness of this Baptist missionary.