How would you define the word “attribute”?
What is the difference between God’s attributes and God’s essence or nature? (Nothing, expression, deity.)
Many theologians say that God has ten attributes, but some of these seem to overlap; name seven of them. (Omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, eternality; holiness, righteousness, faithfulness, mercy, loving kindness and love.)
Some theologians divide God’s attributes into two varieties – moral and natural.
What would you guess is the difference between these two varieties? (Nothing, expression, deity.)
God’s Natural Attributes.
God is “________________________ in knowledge” (Job 37:16, Ex 4:11; or Job 42:2).
God’s “_____________________ is infinite” (Daniel 4:35, Psa. 1:1; Psa. 147:5).
“How __________unsearchable _______ are (God’s) judgments, and his ways past _________________” (Romans 11:33.)
“God knoweth __________________ things” (I John 3:20).
Of how much and how many of our deeds is God unaware?
“The ____________ of the Lord are in every place….” (Prov. 15:3).
Will God be bound to the testimony of witnesses when He judges all the people of His creation?
How many stars did God create? Does God know how many? (Ps. 147:4.)
Does the Lord know how many sparrows froze to death last week, or how many were caught by hawks?
What verse speaks of God’s knowledge of our downsitting (Psalm 1:4; Psalm 14:1; Psalm 139:2-3)?
What verse reminds us that God knows every word that we have ever uttered (Psalm 1:8; Psalm 141:1; Psalm 139:4)?
In Isaiah 48 & 49 God declares that His perfect prophecies prove that He is _______________.
What is the meaning of “omniscience?”
What is the meaning of “omnipotence?
“I know that thou canst do _____________” ( Daniel 4:35; Job 42:2; John 42:2).
“Is __________________ too hard for the Lord” ( Gen. 18:14; Ex 4:11; Job 42:2).
We ought to say ——————————- we will do this or that (James 4).
God does according to his will in the————————- of heaven.
In the light of God’s authority, how much authority and power does Satan have?
What could God do to save your life, if it was necessary and it was His will?
What is the meaning of “omnipresence?”
“Can any———————— in —————— places that I shall not see him? Saith the Lord?”
“Do not I fill —————— and ————?
Is God in Heaven? Is God here in this building?
Name a place where God is not. Is God in Hell?
How does the omnipresence of God give us comfort?
How should the omnipresence of God give us cause for worry?
(The omnipresence of God is detective as well as protective.)
God is eternal.
Define “eternal” in the light of time.
How does “eternal” relate to omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence?
What name of God speaks about these attributes? (Lord, Elohim, Jehovah)?
“Before the———–—- were brought forth, or ever the hadst formed ————–and the ——— ever from ——– to ———-, thou art God.”
How is Psalm 102:24 an anthropomorphism?
When Christ says that He is the “Alpha” & “Omega” what does that mean (Rev. 1:8)
“In the Lord there is no ———————- neither shadow of turning.”
Does God’s character ever change?
God’s moral attributes.
If God wanted man to be aware of one of his attributes more than another what would be first? (His omnipotence, His holiness, His love)
When special prophets were permitted to “see” God what general thing was similar in every case?
In what way is God mentioned more often in the Bible (the holy One, the omnipotent One, the loving One)?
If one attribute of God was more important than another which would be first?
How is this a true statement – “light views of God and His holiness produce light view of sin and on salvation?”
Which of the three persons of the God-head is not called “holy” from time to time?
Practically speaking, since God is holy, He does not——————-.
Why should you and I be holy?
Righteousness and justice.
The righteousness and justice of God are manifestations of God’s ———————.
In righteousness, the holiness of God means that God will always do that which is ————————-.
“The Lord is ——————– in all his way, and —————- in all his works.”
Generally speaking, in what two ways does God reveal His justice & righteousness?.
If we ———– our sins, God is ————–and ————————– to forgive us…….
Why does God keep His promises? (Neh. 9:7-8)
Generally speaking were the gods of the ancient heathen perceived to be loving?
What act of God especially demonstrates His love?
“Thou hast in ———— to my ——––—– delivered it from the pit of ———————; for thou has cast all my ———-—– behind thy back.”
What two attributes are meant by God’s kindness, goodness, and compassion?
We might describe God’s mercy as one way in which He responds to what?
What might be a good synonym for loving-kindness?
Why does God love?
“The Lord is ———- and ————, slow to ————— and plenteous in —–—————.”
How is mercy expressed in the sinner’s salvation? .
How is grace (loving-kindness) expressed in the sinner’s salvation?