God makes two kinds of promises; they are (male & female; good & bad; conditional & unconditional; black & white). Conditional & unconditional
Of the things Christ tells us in John 10:27-28, what kind of promise does it contain (male, female, conditional; unconditional)? Unconditional.
We know this to be true because (the word “if;” the earlier “verily;” Jesus’ hesitation; no qualifications).
This scripture teaches us that (we determine if they come to pass; God guarantees them; Satan can destroy them; they will be cancelled after a thousand years). God guarantees them.
In John 10:27-29, Christ’s sheep represent (a source of revenue; supper; His people; potential sacrifices)
How did those sheep attain this position, they (made the choice; heard the voice of Christ; wandered into the Lord’s field; were chosen)? They were chosen by God and they heard the voice of Christ.
Christ has given to His sheep (lice; eternal life; health; luck). Eternal life.
What verse earlier in John 10 tells us how Christ gave this gift to His sheep (verse 3, 9, 11, 16)? Verse 11
How many people born two hundred years ago, are alive and well upon earth today (3, 9. 11, 00) Zero
So “eternal life” speaks of something (beyond this world; impossible; imaginary; spiritual). Spiritual.
Christ Jesus died for His sheep (v.11), and so today He is (asleep; buried; entombed, alive). Alive.
As it is true of Christ, His sheep have been given (hope; grace; a proper burial; eternal life) Eternal life.
Salvation is eternal.
The word “eternal” means (everlasting; the opposite of internal; without fail; never ending). All but internal.
The wise Christian should be “In hope of ________________ life, which God, that cannot lie, ___________ before the world began.”
That promise was made to (Christ; those “in Christ;” the elect; the saved). All of these
The more ancient the promise (the more trustworthy; fragile; cryptic; dependable) it is. (?????)
Quote John 3:16. “For God so loved the world…..should not perish but have everlasting life.”
“He that believeth on the Son hath _________________ life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the __________________ of God abideth on him.” John 3:36
John 3:36 seems to suggest that in contrast to eternal life there is (everlasting life; God’s wrath; temporary life; death). God’s wrath
In the context of “he that believe on me hath everlasting life,” Christ said, “your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and are _________________”
Based on this, the opposite to everlasting life is (eternal life, God’s wrath, temporary life; death). Death
Salvation is by grace.
Grace refers to God’s (favorite niece; unmerited favor; free gift; salvation). Unmerited favor; gift
James 1:17 reminds us that God is (omnipotent; omniscient; imperturbable; immutable) Immutable
“For I am the Lord, I _______________ not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Change
If, as Ephesians 2:8 tells us, salvation is by grace, it is (possible; likely; unlikely; impossible) that the immutable God should ever revoke the gift of salvation. Impossible.
If salvation is by God’s grace, how much of it is contingent upon the sinner (100%, 50%, 10%, 00%) Zero
If a sinner has been saved by grace, and someone in the Lord’s church offended him, so that he refused to ever attend that church, how likely will it be that he loose his salvation? (100%, 50%, 10%, 00%) Zero
Which of these sins can cause God to forsake His grace (blasphemy; adultery; penury; heresy)? None
Peter, under inspiration, uttered one of God’s unconditional promises, when he wrote, “the God of all ______________, who hath called us unto his _______________ glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you _______________, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” Grace, eternal, perfect
God’s grace guarantees (death; eternal life; earthly riches; poverty). Eternal life.
Salvation (began with, is maintained with, fails with; ends with) God’s grace. Not fails.
Grace is dispensed sovereignly, which means (God controls it; man earns it; Satan defeats it). It is God’s.
“And when the Gentiles heard this, they were ________________, and ______________ the word of the Lord: and as many as were ______________________ to eternal life believed.” Glad, glorified ordained
Salvation is a gift.
Salvation is a gift as opposed to salvation being a result of (sweat; sweetness; works; ergs). All four
Salvation is a gift from (the preacher; God; our parents; the devil). God – Rom. 6:23 Wages of sin is ...
Which of these scriptures suggests that God might rescind or reclaim His gift of salvation (Rom. 3:24-25; Jn. 6:54; 17:2; Rom. 5:21)? None.
Rom. 5:17 says that with God’s abundant grace comes His gift of (salvation; dinner at Tiffany’s; peace; righteousness). Righteousness.
And this gift means that former sinners shall (go to Heaven; reign; die peacefully, be exonerated) through Jesus Christ. Reign
The gift of righteousness is also called (regeneration; adoption; atonement; justification). Justification.
“Labour not for the meat which ___________, but for that meat which endureth unto ________________ __________, which the Son of man shall ____________ unto you…” Jn 6:27 perisheth, everlasting life, give
Christ’s sheep receive eternal life as a (gift: right; reward; duty) Gift – John 10:28
How likely is it that the Lord will reclaim His gift of salvation? (100%, 50%, 10%, 00%) Zero
Salvation is Christ.
Jn. 15:5, Rom. 8:1; I Cor. 1:2; 30 and many other scriptures describe the saved sinner as (righteous; in Christ; glorified; redeemed). In Christ.
That is true (in God’s sight; in God’s decree; in abstentia; inadmissable). The plan of the Lord
Which of these scriptures suggest that the sinner can somehow get out of Christ (Rom. 3:24-25; Jn. 6:54; 17:2; Rom. 5:21)? None.
Which of the following would be necessary for the Christian to be lost and cast into Hell (his sin; his unbelief; his death; his Saviour to be cast into Hell) Christ
Christ died on the cross – true or false?
So today Jesus is (in a Judean tomb; still dead; awaiting resurrection; sitting at the right hand of Father).
According to Heb. 7:25 Christ is currently (doing sudoku puzzles; watching baseball; chatting with Gabriel; interceding for His saints). Interceding
If any Christian “sin, we have an _______________________with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”
The likelihood that the prayers, opinions or intercessions of Christ will be rejected by God the Father are (100%, 50%, 10%, 00%) Zero
“For there is one God, and one _________________ between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who ___________ himself for us, that he might redeem us from ___________ iniquity…..” Mediator, gave all
With Christ Jesus, the actual sacrifice for our salvation, interceding on our behalf the likelihood that the Lord should cast us away are (100%, 50%, 10%, 00%) Zero
Salvation and the Holy Spirit.
Which is not a ministry of the Holy Spirit to the saint (scapegoat; guide and teacher; reprover of sin; seal)?
When Paul tells us that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit, he describes Him as (eternal; a promise; waxy; wet and slimy). Eph. 1:13 – In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard …. ye were sealed …. of promise.
Eph. 4:30 warns the Christian not to (peeve; grieve; relieve; heave away) the Holy Spirit. Grieve
The verse then goes on to say that the Spirit has sealed us unto (the end; Heaven; God; the day of redemption). Redemption
This seal refers to a (covenant; a sea creature; a metal tag; a notary’s mark). A covenant within Trinity.
So even though a Christian may (peeve; grieve; relieve; heave away) the Holy Spirit, that Christian will remain (saved; sealed; justified; a part of the family of God). All
In order for a sinner once saved to be eternally lost there would have be (disunity within the Trinity; a breaking of God’s seal; the death of the Holy Spirit; the eternal death of Christ). All