The first place where “church” is found in the Bible is (at John’s baptism; at Jesus’ baptism; in the Sermon on the Mount; Matthew 16:18). 16:18 – I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The English word “church” comes from the Greek word “kuriakon” which means (assembly; the Lord’s house; curiosity; kirk). Late Greek k riakon, the Lord’s (house), of the lord, from k rios, lord.
The English “church” comes from (kurios; churchios; ecclesia; surprise me) in the Greek New Testament.
That Greek word is a compound meaning (called out from; baptized in; joined up; tithed out). Called out
Who was the first person to use that word (Christ; Jehovah; Alexander the Great; we don’t know)? Unknwn
Who was the first person to use that word in the Bible (Christ; Moses; Alexander the Great; we don’t know)? Christ Jesus.
The disciples (didn’t understand its meaning; did understand; despised it because it was foreign word; rejoiced)? Understood its basic meaning.
To the disciples, an “ecclesia” could have been (a rabble mob; any called out assembly; a legislative government body; the disciples themselves)? Any assembly, and particularly themselves.
When Jesus spoke of “His church,” He implied (that there could be others; there were others; His was special; His would be victorious)? All of these
Today the word “ecclesia” is commonly (repeated; accepted; misunderstood; reverenced). Misunderstood.
Today the word “church” is applied to (religious denominations; religious assemblies; social clubs; state legislatures). Religious organizations generally by those who don’t understand the word..
Scriptural churches today are made of (wood, hay and stubble; brick; people; blood, sweat & tears). Peopl
When you read that word in the Bible, you should think of (Christ; John the Baptist; the disciples; an assembly of disciples). Called out assembly
Today the word “church” should only be applied to (Christ’s assemblies; God’s assembly; the Baptist denomination; the churches of Christendom). Christ’s assemblies
If a church cannot or does not assemble, it should be called (extinct; a phantom; Buddhist; unbiblical)? Un
There is no such thing as a (jackalope; two-horned unicorn; righteous devil; universal invisible church).
By definition, a church must have (a pastor; by-laws; a place to meet; money to give to the poor). Meet
The New Testament use of the word “church.”
The word “church” or “churches” is found in (14; 54; 114; 714) verses in the Bible. 114
Of all of those (114, 54; 14; 00) are in the Old Testament. None.
The word “church” or “churches” is used (17; 57; 117; 717) times in the New Testament. 117
All but five of those verses, speak of (Christ’s ecclesia; gatherings of Christ’s people; physical assemblies, or groups of those assemblies; Christ’s churches). All of these
Acts 7:38 correctly uses “ecclesia,” but it is speaking of (Mormonism; the glory church; Israel – called out of Egypt; the New Testament church in the Old Testament). Israel.
That is a correct use of the word because (they had a pastor; they took offerings; they assembled; they were fully of grumblers and complainers). They were a called out assembly.
How does the last part of Acts 19:32 help to define the word “ecclesia” (“assembly” is “ecclesia;” they came together; they were confused; some one was preaching – crying)? The assembly came together.
The “assemblies” of Acts 19:39 and 41 were (Christ’s ecclesia; improperly translated; properly translated; confused)? Ecclesia properly translated.
How can a church, which does not assemble, be a New Testament church? (It can’t; it can be allegorically; metaphysically; imaginarily)? It can’t
A church which never assembles is (not a real church; is a misdefinition; an anomaly; a common idea). All
There is no way that (the Baptist denomination; all the saved; Christianity in general; Catholicism) can be Christ’s church. Right. None of these.
When the Bible speaks of the Lord’s ecclesia(s) throughout a large area, it usually uses the word (Baptist; saints; churches; ecclesia)? Churches.
Which of these scriptures is not an example of this (Acts 9:31; 15:41; 16:5; Rom. 16:4; 16:16)? All are.
Which of these scriptures uses the word “church” to describe all the Christians in a particular area (Acts 9:31; 15:41; 16:5; Rom. 16:4; 16:16)? None of these.
Where in the Bible does the word “church” refer to all the Christians on earth? No where.
When the singular use of the word “church” is employed to describe more than one church, it is being used (improperly; generically; imaginatively; recklessly). Generically
When I say, “the horse is an useful animal,” (I have improperly used “an;” I am exaggerating the value of the horse; I might be thinking of a specific horse; I might be thinking of horses generally). Last two
When I say, “the husband is the head of the wife,” (I am quoting scripture; I am proving myself to be chauvinistic and out of touch with modern reality; I am only thinking about myself; I am speaking generally).
To speak of something generally is to refer to it (casually, erringly, generically; improperly). Generically.
When I say, “Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body,” I am thinking (of this church; of all Christ’s churches; of all the saved; of all Baptists). This and all churches.
That is an example of (the common; an incorrect; the Baptist; the generic) use of the word “ecclesia.”
Which of these are synonyms for each other (Christ church, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God; the family of God)? Kingdoms
A church of Christ is the same thing as the (Family of God; Kingdom of God; Kingdom of Heaven; the Society of God’s Saints). None of these
At this moment, is there a church in Heaven (hopefully; technically yes;, technically no; I don’t know)?
Christ’s first church was (Heavenly, earthly, made of brick, built upon the rock). Here on earth.
Christ’s churches might have (kitchens; steeples; stained glass windows; unsaved members). All these
To be in the Kingdom of Heaven one must (be baptized; be a citizen of Heaven; be alive; be sane). Alive
To be a part of the family of God one must be (born again; adopted; saved; physically alive). Not “alive.”
Ideally, to be a part of one of Christ’s churches someone must be (baptized; voted in; saved; physically alive). Alive?
Actually, there may be lost people in Christ’s churches because (it is an earthly assembly; it is supposed to be; its earthly leadership is not omniscient; it may not be listening to the Holy Spirt as it should). It is not supposed to have the unsaved.
That there are lost members in Christ’s churches (does not surprise the Lord; does not negate God’s authority over that church; should not surprise us; should be something to overcome). All
How many churches were on the earth at the end of the Book of Matthew (none, 1, 41, unknown)? One
How many churches did Christ Jesus pastor (none, 1, 41, unknown)? One.
How many churches of Christ are there upon the earth today (none, 1, 41, unknown)? Unknown
How many of those churches does Christ pastor today (none, 1, 41, unknown)? Unknown.
Today, as far as His church is concerned, Christ’s official title is (pastor, president, prime minister, head).
We know that Christ still loves His church because (He needs it; He gives each of them pastors; they are perfect; He gave Himself for it) He gave Himself for it.
Generically, Christ’s church is described as His (heir; body; child; hope). Body.
Christ has given us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers “for the ___perfecting_________ of the saints, for the work of the ___ministry_______, for the ___edifying________ of the body of Christ.”
In this case “the body of Christ” refers to Christ’s (glorified body; physical body; church generically; Calvary Independent Baptist Church, Post Falls, Idaho). Church generically.
To the Corinthians Paul wrote “Now ye are the __body___ of Christ, & _____members___ in particular.”
From these references we might assume that (the Corinthian church was special; every true church is a body of Christ; every true church is an extension of Christ in some way; we are the finger of God).
It is an (honor; obligation; duty; privilege) to be a member of one of Christ’s churches. All
It should be our desire to see our church (prosper; grow; used by God; disappear at the translation).