
The word “ordinance” in our Bible literally means (ammunition; baptism; communion; tradition). Tradition

The Greek word translated “ordinance” refers to something (wet, passed down, holy, special). Passed

Which verse clearly speaks of baptism as an ordinance (Lk. 1:6; I Cor. 11:2; Col. 2:14; Heb. 9:1)? None

Which verse clearly speaks of the Lord’s supper as an ordinance (Lk. 1:6; I Cor. 11:2; Col. 2:14; Heb. 9:1)?

In the New Testament “ordinance” is used (indiscriminately; positively; negatively; religiously). Last three

The Corinthians were (praised; raised; razed; rebuked) for keeping the ordinances. Praised

Zacharias and Elizabeth were apparently (praised; raised; razed; rebuked) for keeping the ordinances. Pra

The Colossians were (praised; raised; razed; rebuked) for keeping ordinances. Rebuked.

Keeping ordinances can be (a good thing; a bad thing; nothing but a habit; very helpful). All of these

Christ (approved; blotted out; fulfilled; encouraged) the ordinances mentioned in Heb. 9:1, 10. Blotted & fulfld

They included (baptism; communion; priestly rites and ceremonies; foot washing). Priestly rites.

“Having _____ abolished________ in his ______flesh_______ the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ______ordinances_______; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.”

“_______Blotting _______out the handwriting of _____ordinances______ that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it ______out______ of the way, _______nailing___________ it to his cross.”

The Biblical word “ordinance” may be (bad, good, helpful, confusing). All.

Since “baptism” is never called an ordinance in the Bible, we should (never; carefully; always; dogmatically) use it. Carefully.

The ordinance of baptism.

“Baptism” is a translation of the word (“baptizo,” John the Baptist; ordinance; none of these). None.

“Baptism” is a (translation; transliteration; transmigration; transmission) of “baptizma.” Transliteration.

In our Bibles, when we find the words “baptize,” “baptizing,”etc., the original Greek word is (tradition; ordinance; baptizo; sprinkle). Baptizo

The original word means (dip, plunge, immerse; effuse). Effuse refers to pouring a liquid.

“Baptizo” cannot mean to (sprinkle; pour; spritz; squirt; spray; effuse; drown). Can possibly mean drown

“Baptize” in common language today could mean (sprinkle, pour, immerse, christen). Any of these.

According to Eph. 4:5, how many different kinds of water baptisms are there (one; two; three; unknown)?

Today “baptize” should only mean (dip; plunge; immerse; submerse). All.

The first person we see practicing baptism was (Noah; Moses at the Red Sea; Moses at the Rock; John).

John was called “the Baptist” because (he was a true saint of God; he was obedient to the Lord; he was known for immersing people; because he and Christ liked that term). Baptism was a part of his ministry

John didn’t baptize at Jerusalem (out of fear; the Jews baptized there; the Catholics sprinkled there; there wasn’t enough water).

“John also was ______baptizing ________ in Aenon near to Salim, because there was ______much_____ water there: and they came, and were baptized.”

It is possible for a person be baptized in (a gallon; a stock tank; a river; a baptismal font) of water.

To baptize properly, there must be enough water to (submerge; drown; cover; dampen) someone.

John got the idea of baptism from (Jewish custom; Babylonian custom; a good imagination; Heaven). Heaven – Luke 20:4-5

In Acts 19 Paul baptized some men who claimed John’s baptism. Why? (Paul was an Anabaptist; the men were unsaved; John’s baptism was not Christian; they had been sprinkled). They were unsaved.

Which of the following verses tell us that baptism washes away sin (Matthew 3:6; 11; 13, 16)? None of these

Jesus was baptized in order to (authenticate John’s ministry; wash away His sin; fulfill all righteousness; to wash away the dust). Matthew 3:15

In the same way as Jesus, believers are baptized in order to (authenticate John’s ministry; wash away sin; fulfill all righteousness; to eliminate body odor). Fulfill the will of God – to obey.

“The like ____figure_____ whereunto even baptism doth also now ____save____ us (not the putting away of the ____filth_____ of the flesh, but the answer of a good ____conscience_____ toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

This verse tells us that baptism (saves us; is a figure; washes away filth; is the answer of a good conscience). Is a figure and speaks of a good conscience.

A good synonym for “figure” is (illustration; type; emblem; picture). All of these

Based on this, we might say that baptism is a (means to; testimony of; instrument for; guarantee of) salvation. Testimony

Baptism is a picture of (Noah’s flood; Heaven; the womb; burial). Burial

In order to procure our salvation, Christ (was buried; died; arose from the grave; was baptized). Not bapt.

In our baptism we illustrate and testify to our (union with Christ; our death to sin; our new life in Christ; or salvation). All of these

Christ Jesus baptized (many, few, none, we don’t know how many) people. Few or none

If baptism is essential to salvation, one would think that Christ would have (baptized many; baptized everyone; sent another world-wide flood; ordered His disciples to baptize everyone).

In the Bible we see (John Baptist; Christ’s disciples; Christ’s apostles; Christ’s churches) baptizing people.

In the Bible we don’t see (the Pharisees; the High Priest; the Christian women; ordinary Christians) baptizing people.

In Matthew 28:18-20 to whom did Christ give authority to baptize (Peter; the Pope; John; the church)?

Who or what, only, has authority today to baptize (the Church of England; the Church of Christ; Pat Boone; John the Baptists). Christ’s church(es)

Any true believer, who has been christened, ought to be (horse-whipped; taught the truth; baptized; re-baptized).

Any believer, who has been immersed in a Methodist church, Christian church or some Protestant church, must be (baptized: catechized; plagiarized; sanitized) by our church before becoming a member here.

The reason for this is that (only our baptistry is clean enough; Christ gave authority to baptize only to His church; Protestant churches did not descend from Christ’s first church; any church or denomination with a human founder cannot be one of Christ’s own churches).

How many ingredients are required for scriptural baptism (one, two, three, four)? Four

Which of the following may be scripturally baptized (babies; submarines; bath toys; believers in Christ)?

Which of the following methods of “baptism” are found in the Bible (immersion; effusion; spritzion; submersion)?

Which of the following is a Biblical reason to baptize (in order to save a dying soul; to save a dead soul; to give praise to God for saving a soul; to testify of the death burial and resurrection of Christ and my union with Him)? The last two

Who has proper Biblical authority to baptize a new believer (the Pope; an ordained minister of Christ; any of the Lord’s churches; the baby’s mother). Christ’s church

If any of these elements are missing the baptism in question is (invalid; invincible; incredible; inexcusable).

If a true believer was found to have a baptism with one of these elements missing, he should (ignore the subject; deny the facts; seek proper baptism; pray about it).

Baptism is (essential; important; unimportant; a waste of a good towel). Important.

Your preceding answer is true because baptism ( is essential to salvation; pleases God; testifies of the condition of our heart; is the first step in serving Christ). All of the last three.

There will be (no; many; a handful; only) non-baptized people in Heaven. Perhaps many

Those people will be just as (rewarded; happy; saved; embarrassed) as those who have been scripturally baptized and members of one of Christ’s churches. Saved.

Are you a true child of God?

Have you been scripturally baptized?