There are (several; dozens, hundreds, many hundreds) of Biblical references to the coming of Christ. Many
Biblically, the coming of Christ includes (the translation of the saints; the incarnation; the coming in glory; the second coming). All
Bible students sometimes confuse (the translation and second coming; the first coming and the second coming; the incarnation and the parousia) All
The Greek word “parousia” is translated (second; presence; coming; advent). Presence & coming
It is claimed that one out of every (10, 20, 30, 50) verses in the Bible mentions the second coming. 30
For every mention of the first coming of Christ, there are (2, 5, 8, 10) references to the second. 8
The second coming is the theme of (I & II Cor.; I & II James; I & II Thess.; I & II John). Thessalonians
Whole chapters deal with the second coming, such as (Matthew 24; Mk. 13; Luke 21). All three
Even though it was often the theme of Old Testament prophets, they often confused it with (the incarnation; the parousia; the shekinah; the trinity). Incarnation – first coming
The Lord Jesus (often; rarely; squarely; cryptically) spoke of His second coming. Often & squarely
The testimony of the angels of God should be considered (confusing; trustworthy; spiritual; secondary).
Because the Apostles were so filled with thoughts about Christ’s first coming, and they were so expectant of His second coming, they (never, often, ignored, rarely) spoke of seeing Him again. Often
What is the Christian’s greatest hope and for what should he be looking (death; judgment; the second coming of Christ; the coming of Christ for the saint)? Second coming – which will include the translation of the saints
Today’s Christians are (not supposed to; encouraged to; discouraged not to; commanded not to) think about or expect the return of Christ. Encouraged
We are to be “_______________ for that __________________ hope, and the glorious _______________ of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.”
“Be ye also ____________________ for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man ______________.
“Ye are enriched by Him…. So that ye come behind in no gift; ____________ for the _______________ of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“What manner of persons ought yet to be….. ___________ for and hasting unto the _____________ of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?”
We are encouraged to “comfort one another” with words of (Biblical poetry; praise for Christ; salvation; the return of Christ in the air). I Thess. 4:14-18
Acts 1:11 tells us that Christ’s coming will be (personal; virtual; visible; Heavenly). Not virtual
Matthew 24:27 speaks of lightning which may refer to (brightness; suddenness; mystery; deadliness). All?
I Thess. 5:1-4 teaches that when Christ returns He will (steal things; come unexpectedly; bring trouble for some people; not surprise the brethren). Unexpected, but not surprise us
This scripture indicates that Paul was expecting the brethren of that day to experience (death; joy; Christ’s return; persecution). The return – “that that day should not overtake you as a thief.”
When the High Priest asked Jesus if He was the Son of God, Jesus (denied it; laughed at his ignorance; told him that he would see Him sitting at the right hand of power; that he would see him coming in the clouds of Heaven). Sitting and coming
When the High Priest heard this (he scoffed; he tore his clothing; he accused Christ of blasphemy; he called for Jesus’ execution for blasphemy). All but scoffed
He did this because he heard Jesus (confess to treason; imply that He was God; approve of the Romans; that He would return to earth in glory). God and return
Matt. 24 and Lk, 21 indicate that Christ will return (period; after a period of disasters; after cosmic signs; invisibly). First three
“Then shall they __________ the Son of man __________ in a cloud with ________ & __________ glory.”
“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the ___________ nor the __________wherein the Son of man cometh.
The Bible is so clear about Christ’s return that (there are no misconceptions about it; the world rejects the Bible because of it; there are no heresies about it; you need to believe it). Not no misconceptions
The return of Christ did not take place at Pentecost because (He didn’t; the sky is blue; it didn’t fulfill the prophesies about the second coming; it was the coming of the Holy Spirit in power).
The return of Christ doesn’t occur when saints die because (It doesn’t; the sky is blue; they go to meet Christ; I Thess. 4:16-17 are not fulfilled). They meet Christ
The return of Christ didn’t take place at the destruction of Jerusalem because (It didn’t; Jn. 21;21-23 was written after the destruction of Jerusalem; Rev. 22:20 took place after the destruction of Jerusalem).
Can we say that it takes time for day to become fully night? “Night comes on apace”
Even though scripture speaks of “the twinkling of an eye” will every aspect of Christ’s coming be complete all at once?
There are (2, 3, 4, 5) major aspects to the coming of Christ. Coming with his saints and for his saints
I Thess. 4:13-18 (clearly; distinctly; cryptically; negatively) teaches that Christ will set foot on earth and establish His Millennial kingdom at that time? None of these
The purpose of this “coming” is all about (raising; gathering; changing; rewarding) His saints. Not reward
Does I Thess. 4:10 teach that the Lord will send an ambassador at his coming?
But there will be the voice of (Gabriel; God the Father; the rejoicing Old Testament saints; archangel).
Besides the angelic voice, there will be (the voice of the Father; the shout of Christ; the scream of Satan; the praise of the saints). Shout of Christ
Christ will say (saint come forth; look up here; dead in me arise; I’m baaaack). Who knows?
Where is Heaven (in our hearts; in God’s mind; above the head of every saint; above the north pole)?
Some of the living saints, at Jesus’ coming will (be asleep; be asleep at the switch; be on the opposite side of the world; be watching for His coming). All???
When Christ returns He will (raise dead saints; change living saints; gather them both in the air; take them to be with Himself forever). All
Does II Thess. 1:7-9 sound like the same “coming” as that of I Thess. 4:13-18?
Characteristics of this coming include (joy; vengeance; love; punishment). Vengeance and punishment.
“And then shall ____________ the sign of the Son of man in ___________: and then shall all the tribes of the earth ______________, and they shall see the Son of man ______________ in the _____________ of heaven with power and great glory.”
“For the Son of man shall come in the ______________ of his Father with his angels; and then he shall __________________ every man according to his _______________.”
Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, was a (boat builder; priest; prophet; trouble-maker). Prophet
He told the people of his day that the Lord would come with ten thousand (angels; judgments; lightning bolts; saints) of His. Saints
As commonly understood, there is (no difference; little difference; real difference) between angels and saints. They are different beings
If Christ will be returning with His saints then we might assume (that they are awaiting Him; already with Him).
He said that the purpose of Christ’s coming would be to (reward the righteous; convince the ungodly that they are ungodly; execute judgment; clean up polluted air). Convince and judge Jude 14-15
Place the following in their proper order: (_____ the Millennial kingdom; _____ Christ’s setting foot on earth; _____ the tribulation; _____ the translation of the saints; _____ the judgment seat of Christ; _____ the judgment of the nations; _____ Christ’s coming in the air)