
The Second Coming of Christ has what two major aspects – (incarnation & ascension; translation & rapture; rapture & advent; tribulation & millennium)? Rapture and advent

We find the word “rapture” in (Matt. 26:64; Acts 1:11; Heb. 9:29; I Thess. 4:17-18). None of these

The word “rapture” is from the Bible in (Hebrew; Latin; Greek, Swahili). Latin

It could be argued that “the rapture” is a (Biblical doctrine; Catholic doctrine; glorious doctrine; beloved doctrine). All of these

“Rapture” is used to translate (“escape;” “resurrection;” “death;” “caught up”) in I Thess. 4:17. Caught up

The word “synonymous” means (having the same meaning; equivalent in connotation; closely related; having nothing to do with one another). Same meaning; equivalent

The “rapture” is synonymous with (the return of Christ to establish His millennial kingdom; resurrection of the saints; the glorification of the saints; the glorification of Christ). To be exact, none of these

The word “translation” means (to render in another language; to change from one form to another; to transfer from one place to another; to put into simpler terms). All of these

The words “to translate” are found in I Thess. 4:16-17; Matthew 26:64; Col. 1:13; Heb. 11:5) Col. & Heb.

Col. 1:13 is talking about (the rapture; death; physical resurrection; a part of salvation). Salvation.

Enoch was (cremated; translated; buried; raptured). Translated, raptured

Enoch was (caught up to Heaven; changed to meet God; transferred; forgotten by the Lord). Not forgotten

First Thessalonians.

I Thessalonians 1:6-10.

The believers in Thessalonica were (enduring persecution; evangelizing their community; physically dying; waiting for the physical return of Christ) All of these

They were convinced that (God was going to destroy the earth; God’s Son was in Heaven; He was coming back from Heaven; they needed to wait for Him). Wait for Christ from Heaven

They believed in regard to wrath that (they were in the tribulation; they were delivered; the Lord was helpless to protect them; it was history). Christ had delivered them

The word “wrath” can refer to (an apparition [ghost]; punishment; anger; tribulation). Not apparition

The word “wrath” might refer to (judgment for sin; Hell; Gehenna; the Lake of Fire). All of these

“Wrath” in verse 10 doesn’t refer to the torment of Hell or the Lake of Fire because of (the context; I Thess 5; John 3:36; Eph. 5:6). All of these

I Thessalonians 4:13-18.

Why shouldn’t this scripture be taken figuratively (because it make sense as it is; no other scripture suggests that we should; a literal interpretation should always be our first choice; why not?).

The word “we” should be understood (editorially; figuratively; linguistically; literally). Literally

Paul wanted the believers of Thessalonica to realize that the translation of the saints would be (literal; in their lifetime; soon; real). All of these

Even though we are not surprised when believers die, we should (not be looking for it; not be expecting it; be listening for the trump of God; expecting to be translated). Listening for and expecting the rapture.

We should not sorrow over deceased believers because (they are not dead; they are not suffering; they are not eternally separated from us; they are with Christ). All

Living saints at the return of Christ in the air will have an advantage over deceased saints, because (we will not die; we will prevent them; we will precede them into the air; we will be glorified and they will not).

Verse 17’s reference to both “clouds” and “air” indicates (a difference between them; redundancy; outer space; Paul’s confusion). A possible difference

This scripture indicates that after the saint’s translation and union with Christ, he will (be happy; never be separated from the Lord; in Heaven; victorious). Never be separated

The rapture is a doctrine which is (surprising; comforting; reassuring; confusing). Comforting

The English word “imminent”means (impendent; impending; close; at hand). All

We find the word “imminent” in (I Thess. 4:17; Matthew 26:64; Acts 1:11; II James 3:2). None of these

We find the principle of imminence in (I Thess. 4:17; Matthew 26:64; Acts 1:11; II James 3:2). Thess

I Thessalonians 5:1-4.

Paul didn’t have to tell the Thessalonians about the times and seasons because (they were omniscient; they had been instructed; they possessed the Holy Spirit; they just didn’t need to know). Holy Spirit instru

The Lord will come as a surprise because (He’s a thief; the lost are not looking for Him; they don’t believe that He will return; He will be disguised). The lost aren’t looking for him or believe in His return

When the Lord comes, some believers will be (sleeping; asleep to His coming; anxiously anticipating His return; sorry that He is coming). Unfortunately, probably all of these things

Other Scriptures.

According to II Thess. 1:4-10 the saints in Thessalonica were in the midst of (the tribulation; tribulations; persecutions; revival). Not “the” tribulation.

Their tribulations indicated that the rapture (had already occurred; was cancelled; was imminent; was going to be glorious). Imminent

Paul wanted them to “rest with him” in (his water bed; Heaven; the coming of Christ; the expectation of the translation). Coming and translation

Matthew 24 is talking about (the rapture; the translation of the saints; the tribulation; the return of Christ at the end of the tribulation). Tribulation and the return of Christ

An increase in wars, rumors of wars, and natural disasters like famines, earthquakes, and plagues a should remind the saint (to not love the world; to expect the soon return of Christ; to build bomb shelters; to invest in gold not stocks and bonds). Expect Christ

Verse 42 it teaches all saints, at all times, to be (evangelistic; watchful; Pharisaical; happy). Watching

The remainder of the chapter indicates that not watching and anticipating Christ produces (sleepiness; sinfulness; blindness; happiness). Sin

The parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) teaches the saint to be (single, monogamous; oily; watchful).

In Romans Paul was writing to (Israelites; Romans; Christians; Antinomians). Roman Christians.

Even though the theme of this book is salvation, we should assume that most of the readers were (redeemed; saved; justified; born again). All of these

In Romans 13:11-12 when Paul referred to a future salvation, he was talking about (the atonement; justification; redemption; deliverance from this present evil world). Deliverance

Our salvation is (now nearer than when we believed; is as real as it’s going to get; slipping; imminent).

Compared to what we have now in the Lord, when we eventually are in the physical presence of Christ, it will seem like (night versus day; Clay versus Liston; joy versus sorrow; life versus death). Night and day

It is now high time to awake out of our sleep because (8 hours is enough; Christ’s return is soon; you are getting hungry; your leg is beginning to cramp).

I Cor. 15:51-52 should be understood (figuratively; literally; allegorically; as best you can). Literally

The word “we” should be understood to say (“yes;” us; only the Corinthians; only the Apostles). Us

This scripture (agrees with; disagrees with; conflicts with; corroborates) I Thess. 4:13-18. Agrees & corr’s

I Cor. 15:51-58 says that (tribulation will fall upon the world; the wicked dead will be cast into Hell; the dead in Christ raised incorruptible; we shall be changed). Resurrection and change

The saint’s change will include (eternalization; immortality; glory; stripping of corruption). All

James 5 tells us that the coming of the Lord draweth (in pencil; in pen; nigh; near). Nigh

Heb. 10:25 uses (threats; treats; the day of the Lord; candy under the bus seats) to encourage our faithfulness in church). “That day”

Heb. 10:37 reminds us that “the day of the Lord” refers to (Sunday; the Sabbath; the coming of Christ; His birthday). Coming

The “day of the Lord” and the rapture are (synonymous; related; opposites; mutually exclusive). Linked

How many times does the Book of Revelation says that Christ is coming soon or quickly (1; 2; 3; 4)? 4