- What do “Millennium?” (The 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth).
- Should we expect the Millennium to begin tomorrow?
- What must take place prior to the beginning of the Millennium? (Return of Christ, Tribulation, rapture).
- What term describes people who believe these things? (Premillennialists).
- What do we mean by “the Tribulation?” (The seven years of God’s wrath on earth).
- Does the Bible teach a literal or figurative Tribulation?
- Are we now in the Tribulation?
- How can we be sure?
- Has the Tribulation already taken place?
- How can we be sure?
- What is the rapture? (The catching away of God’s saints – I Thess. 4:17).
- There are the five opinions about the relationship of the rapture to the Tribulation: what are they? (Pre-Trib., Post-Trib., Mid-Trib, Mixed-Trib {Partial Rapture} and Pre-wrath).
- What do those who are Partial Rapturists believe? (Some saints will endure some or all of the Tribulation).
- What do Luke 21:36; Phil. 3:20, II Tim. 4:8 and Phil. 3:20 have in common? (Waiting for Christ).
- What is the theme of Luke 21:5-38? (Israel in the Tribulation).
- Partial Rapturists uses these verses to teach that certain people will be raptured before the Tribulation: Who do they say will be raptured? (Those faithfully awaiting the return of Christ).
- About whom does Matthew 24:41-42 speak? (Israel).
- Should God’s people be faithful to the Lord and watchful for His coming? (Yes).
- Do these verses teach that the rapture is dependent upon our faithfulness or watchfulness? (No.)
- If they are consistent in applying their doctrine, how many of the dead in Christ do Partial Rapturists teach will be resurrected at the rapture?
- According to I Thess. 4:16-17 how many of the dead in Christ will be resurrected? (All).
- Does the Bible teach rewards for serving the Lord faithfully? (Rev. 2:10; James 1:12; I Thess. 2:19; Phil. 4:1; I Cor. 9:25; I Peter 5:4; II Tim. 4:8).
- Which of these verses teach that rapture is a reward for faithful service or watchfulness?
- What do Post-Tribulationalists teach about the time of the rapture?
- What were the Thessalonians doing in regard to the return of the Lord (I Thess. 1:9-10)? (Waiting for Him).
- What was Paul expecting: Tribulation or Christ (I Thess. 4:16-17)?
- For what does the grace of God teach us to be watching (Titus 2:11-14)? (The Lord’s return).
- For what were the Corinthians waiting (I Cor. 1:4-9)?
- The soon-coming of Christ is called the doctrine of _________________ . (Imminency).
- Do Post-Trib’ers believe in this doctrine?
- Where do most Post-Trib’ers say that this doctrine originated? (19th century Plymouth Brethren and others).
- In Lesson 4, what did we see that the early church believed about the return of Christ? (It is imminent).
- What do Post-Trib’ers misunderstand about tribulation when they say that we shall go through the Tribulation? (That there is a difference between tribulation and “the Tribulation).
- What do they misunderstand about Lk. 21 and Matt. 24 when they say that we’ll go through the Tribulation? (That these passages are talking about Israel).
- Do Post-Trib’ers believe that the Tribulation is future? (Some do, but not all do).
- How do many Post-Trib’ers use Revelation 20:1-5 to prove that the rapture takes place after the Tribulation? (The rapture of the living saints takes place at the time of the resurrection, which is here apparently taught to follow the Tribulation).
- But what is the resurrection taught in Revelation 20:4? (Tribulation saints).