Old Testament statistics:
How many books are there in the Old Testament (29; 39; 49; 59)? 39 books
How many chapters are there in the Old Testament (829; 929; 1029; 1229)? 929 chapters
There are between (15 & 18; 18 & 20; 20 & 22; 22 & 25) thousands verses in the Old Testament? 23,214
There are between (400 & 500; 500 & 600; 600 & 750; 750 & 999) thousand words? 593,493 words
These numbers are in the (Hebrew; Latin; Greek; English) Old Testament? English
This being true, these numbers have (great; no; eternal; significant) spiritual significance. None
There are (3; 4; 5; 6) poetical books in the Old Testament. 5
Name them. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
There are (17, 18, 19, 20) historical books in the Old Testament 17
There are (17, 18, 19, 20) prophetical books in the Old Testament 17
The longest book in the Old Testament is (Genesis; Jeremiah; Isaiah; Psalms). Psalms
Arrange the next three books – longest to shortest according to chapters (Gen; Isa; Jere; Eze). I, J, G
The shortest book in the Old Testament is (Joel; Obadiah; Jonah; Micah). Obadiah
Arrange the next three books – shortest to longest according to verses (Hag; Hab; Nah; Est). H, N, J
New Testament statistics:
How many books are there in the New Testament (17; 27; 37; 47)? 27 books
How many chapters are there in the New Testament (60; 160; 260; 360)? 260 chapters
There are between (5 & 6; 6 & 7; 7 & 8; 8 & 9) thousands verses in the New Testament? 7,959 chapters
There are between (100 & 150; 150 & 200; 200 & 250; 250 & 300) thousand words? 181,253 words
These numbers are in the (Hebrew; Latin; Greek; English) Old Testament? English
This being true, these numbers have (great; no; eternal; significant) spiritual significance. None
The longest book in the New Testament is (Matthew; Acts; Romans; Revelation). Acts
Arrange the next three books – longest to shortest according to chapters (Lk; Rev; Matt. Jn). M, Lk, Rev
The shortest book in the New Testament is (I John; II John; III John; Jude). III John
Arrange the next three books – shortest to longest according to verses (Phile; II Jn; Jude; Titus). 2, Ju, Ph
There are (2; 3; 4; 5) Gospels. 4
There are (1; 2; 3; 4) Historical books. One
There are (20; 22; 24; 26) Epistles. 22
The other two books are (Acts, Hebrews, Jude; Revelation). Hebrews & Revelation
Old Testament books in the New Testament
Which book is referred to most often in the New Testament (Ps, Prov, Isa, Jere)? Isaiah
It is referred to in (13, 18, 23, 28) New Testament books. 23
It is referred to (319; 419; 519; 619) times in the New Testament. 419
The next most referenced Old Testament book is (Ps. Prov. Isa, Jeremiah). Psalms
It is referred to in (13, 18, 23, 28) New Testament books. 23
It is referred to (314; 414; 514; 614) times in the New Testament. 414
Genesis is referenced in (11, 16, 21, 26) books of the New Testament. 21
Exodus is reference in (5, 10, 15, 20) books of the New Testament. 15
Daniel is referenced in (7, 17, 27, 37) books of the New Testament. 17
The Book of Revelation makes reference to material from (12, 22, 32, 42) Old Testament books. 32
Luke makes reference to material from (11, 21, 31, 41) Old Testament books. 21
John makes reference to material from (6, 16, 26, 36) Old Testament books. 16
Acts makes reference to material from (5, 15, 25, 35) Old Testament books. 15
Psalm 110:1 is quoted 18 times in the New Testament, what are 4 of those references?
Ezekiel 1:26-28 is quoted 12 times in the New Testament, what are 4 for those references?
Daniel 12:1 is quoted 11 times in the New Testament, what are 4 of those references?
Isaiah 6:1 is quoted 11 times in the New Testament, what are 4 of those references?
Psalm 2:7 is quoted 10 times in the New Testament; what are 4 of those references?
Isaiah 53:7 is quoted 10 times in the New Testament; what are 4 of those references?
The Bible’s “ests”:
David is mentioned (169; 569; 969; 1269) times in the Bible. 969
Moses is mentioned (784; 88; 949; 1184) times in the Bible. 784
List in order the next three most often mentioned people in the Bible (Aaron, Saul; Abraham; Solomon).
The exception to this list, of course is whom?
The earliest human being was (Jesus; Neander; Adam; Eve).
History’s oldest man was ( Enoch, Methuselah, Adam, Nathan). How old was he? 969
The Bible’s strongest man was (Samuel; Shadrach; Sampson; Samson)
The Bible’s wisest man was (Saul; Sal; Solomon; Samson).
The Bible’s riches man was (David; Herod; Solomon; Darius).
The Bible’s tallest man was (Yao; Ming; Solomon; Goliath).
The Bible’s shortest man was (Bartimaus; Zaccheus; Barnabus; Pontius). Zaccheus
The Bible’s fattest man was (Festus; Eglon; Eli; Felix). Jug. 3:17
The Bible’s cruelest man was (Cain; Joab; Manasseh; Nebuchadnezzar). II Chron. 33:1-13
The Bible’s fastest man was (Ismael; Asahel; Samuel; Joel). II Sam. 2:18
The Bible’s guiltiest man was (David; Adam; Judas; Herod).
The Bible’s proudest man was (Cain, Abel; David; Nebuchadnezzar). Dan. 4
The Bible’s most beautiful woman was (Mary; Eve; Esther; Bathsheba).
The Bible’s most tearful person was (Judas; Jeremiah; David; Solomon). Jeremiah
The Bible’s most frightened person was (Moses; David; Belshazzar; Daniel). Dan. 5:6
The Bible’s most famous doubter was (Pharaoh; Thomas; Noah; Jonah). Thomas
The Bible’s great topical chapters.
The Ten Commandment’s chapter is ……..
The greatest confession of sin chapter……. Ps. 51
The great shepherd chapter……… Ps. 23
The Word of God praise chapter………… Ps. 119
The great flood chapter……….. Gen. 7
The virtuous woman chapter……… Prov. 31
The vision of God’s throne chapter………… Isaiah 6
The child is born but the son is given chapter…… Isaiah 9
The great prophesy of the death of Christ chapter ………. Isaiah 53
The Christian’s great comfort chapter……….. John 14
The justification chapter……… Rom. 5
The love chapter……... I Cor. 13
The protection of God’s sheep chapter……….. John 10
The creation of man chapter………. Genesis 2
The Day of Pentecost chapter……..
The chapter of faith………. Heb. 11
The fellowship chapter………... I John 1
The fruit of the Spirit chapter……… Gal. 5
The Christ is coming for us chapter …….. I Thess. 4