The English word “angel” has been transliterated from which language (Latin; Swahili; Anglo-Saxon; Greek)?

Defined literally, “aggelos” refers to (angles; angels, messengers, servants) Messengers

Because “angel” is not a Hebrew word, we should not expect to find it in the Old Testament, right? Wrong

The words “angel” and “angels” are found in over (60; 40; 20; 10) books of the Bible. 34 books

Of the 284 times that “angel” or “angels” is found in the Bible, how often is it found in the Old Testament (57; 107; 207; 277)? 107

The Hebrew word translated “angel” literally means (angles; angels, messengers, servants) Messengers

Which of the following are not titles or offices of angels (watchers; sons of God; ministers; morning stars)? All

Judging from Job 38:4-7, angels existed (before; at; after; until) the creation of the universe. Before & at

They are all products of (evolution; creation; artificial insemination; alien activity). Creation – Neh. 9:6

As applied to angels “host” suggests (hospitality; flesh or bread; numbers; an army). A large army

Who was the first to speak of “God’s host” (Adam; Abraham; David; Jacob)? Jacob – Gen. 32:1-2

Who was the last to speak of angels as God’s host (Abraham; David, Luke, John)? Luke 2:13

Who spoke of angels as “watchers” (Jesus; Daniel; Jeremiah, John)? Daniel 4:13,17

“Ministering spirits” (Heb. 1) suggests that angels (have bodies; serve God; are always obvious; mean well even when they can’t be of any help). None of these

Did Christ recognize the existence of angels? Of course

In Matthew 18, Jesus referred to the angels (of God; of children; of the saints; of Satan)? Children 18:10

This suggests the thought that (they serve God; they are assigned to specific people; they cannot sin; they keep the wheels of the world spinning). Guardian angels???

In Matthew 13 Christ shall send angels to (destroy the earth; teach all nations; gather the saints; gather the wicked)? Gather all that offend and commit iniquity. 13:41

Of how many angels does Christ speak in Matthew 26 (a legion, a million, twelve legions; a bunch)? 12

That word suggests (a huge number; a heavily drinking service organization; military order; confusion) Ordr

Did the common Jew in Jesus’ day believe in angels (It appears so, yes, no, what foolishness)? Yes

Did Jesus ever correct the misconceptions or superstitions of the Jews (It appears so, yes, no, what foolishness)? Yes

What is the likelihood that Jesus was accommodating His language to incorporate the superstitions of the Jews (highly likely; not very likely; not at all; the thought is reprehensible)? Never

To reiterate, did Christ correct the idea that some in Israel had about angels? No, He did not

Why do some people think that angels are spirits of good people who have died (the Bible says so; the Holy Spirit has told them; they believe what they like; they are fools). Fools believe what they want to believe

Why do some people think that angels are spirits which have not been given human bodies as yet? Same

Why do some believe that Satan created the demons – evil angels? Same

Why do some people think that angels get their wings when tiny bells ring (Hollywood movies; the Bible; the Pearl of Great Price; foolish imagination)? Not from the Bible

Why should we say that Colossians 1:16 speaks of the creation of angels? (Aggelos; Gill says so; principalities and powers; the Holy Spirit makes me think so). Principalities and powers

II Peter tells us that angels are (smarter, stronger, older, taller) than people. Greater in power & might. 2:11

Psalm 103 tells us that angels excel (in excellence, pride, glory; strength). Strength – 103:20

What chapter teaches that angels do not marry each other (Luke 2; John 3; Romans 3; Matthew 22). 22:30

If angels do not marry, how are baby angels born (illegally; illegitimately; in vitro; there are no baby angels).

God created (a finite number of angels; an infinite number; He is still creating angels today). Specific numb

There are (seventeen; millions, billions; uncountable numbers of ) angels? Innumerable – Heb. 12:22

According to Bildad, the Shuhite, is there a number to God’s angels? (Yes, no, billion, quintillion). No

Angels are (omnipotent; omniscient; omnipresent; omnivorous). Not omnivorous – omnipresent?

Some angels are (cherubs; seraphs; cherubim; seraphim)? Cherubs and seraphs???

The word “archangel” is found only in the (the Bible; the Old Testament; the New Testament; Roman Catholic theology). New Testament

It refers to (the angle at the top of the arch; the angel of the ark; the leading angel; a leading angel). Lead

“Michael” is the name of (a famous artist; an angel; an archangel; Michael Landon, the actor who portrayed an angel)? Archangel

“Gabriel” is the name of a famous (painter; baseball player; archangel; angel) Angel

It appears that all angels have (wings; different ranks; different responsibilities; eternal existence). wings?

What is the likelihood that all angels have names (little likelihood; some likelihood; great likelihood; it is beyond possibility because there are so many of them). Likely

Why should the saint be interested in the work of the archangel (he orders the other angels to help us; he is really the Lord Jesus Christ in another form; he took Lazarus to Heaven; he will participate at the rapture of the saints). With a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God

In Heaven, angels (tell God about events on earth; stretch their wings; praise God; eat grapes). Praise Isa.6

Rev. 5 tells us that angels praise God for (their supper; creation; salvation; God’s judgment). Salva? v.12

What do angels have to do with our prayers (hear them; speed them; filter them; incense them) Rev 8:3-4

“Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in ____________, that do his _____________, hearkening unto the voice of his _______________.” Ps 103:20 excel in strength – his commandments – voice of his word.

Generally speaking angels are (invisible to human eyes; silent to human ears; soft to human touch; sweet to human nostrils). Invisible to us

That is because (we are so blind; it is the will of God; it increases our faith; they can’t help it). God’s will

An angel helped Hagar by (healing her; showing her a fountain; telling her about God; protecting her)

An angel helped Peter by (killing his enemies; giving him aspirin; releasing his chains; rebuking him).

Who did not see an angel (Zacharias; Mary; Joseph; John the Baptist). The Baptist

Who did not see an angel (Philip; Cornelius; Daniel; Zechariah). They all did

Angels are often sent to minister to (the blind; the lost; the stupid; the heirs of salvation). Heirs, Heb. 1:14

The angels of God only do works of kindness and blessing (true; false). False

Some of the characters on the first Passover day were (Jehovah; Moses; an angel; undertakers). All?

What did an angel do to Herod (scared him; taught him; smote him; saved him)? Smote – Acts 12:23

Who was told by an angel to head for the Gaza desert (Moses; Paul, Philip; Peter)? Philip, Acts 8:26

Who was sent by God to bring Peter and Cornelius together (Michael, Gabriel, an unnamed angel; Paul).

As Lk. 15:10 is generally interpreted, angels have (surprise; interest; disgust; joy) when sinners are saved.

What saint did an angel help and encourage in II Kings 19 (Elijah, Elisha; David; Saul)? Elijah

Who did the angels help and encourage in Matthew 4 (Mary, Joseph, Jesus; Peter)? Christ

Who did the angels help and encourage in Luke 22 (Mary, Joseph, Jesus; Peter)? Christ

Who greatly was greatly helped while in the midst of Eurocyldon (Luke, Silas, Paul, Julius the Centurion)?

What is the likelihood that you have been blessed by God through the ministry of one of His angels?

In the light of Hebrews 1:14 can you be sure that you don’t have an angel sent by God to minister to you?

In the light of Matthew 18:10 can you be sure that you don’t have an angel of God to minister to you?

In addition to guiding and helping God’s saints, according to I Cor. 4:9, angels also (spank, kill, report, watch) God’s saints. Watch

How did the soul of Lazarus reach Abraham’s bosom (It flew; it was transponded; it sailed; it was carried by angels)? Literally? Carried – Luke16:22

What does Jude say about the dead body of Moses? (It was translated; it was fought over by angels; it was buried; it was buried in Joseph’s tomb)? Jude 9 – Michael & Satan contended over it.

Who shall gather God’s elect from the four winds and from one end of Heaven to the other (the Holy Spirit; Christ Jesus; the Devil; God’s angels)? Matthew 24:31

When the Lord returns to establish His millennial kingdom, who will come with Him (David, saints, angels, Yankees)? Saints and angels.

In regard to Christ, angels (worship Him; serve Him; obey Him; adore Him). All of these