The Northern Neck of Virginia, laying between the Potomac and the Rappahannock Rivers, was the home of George Washington, James Madison, John Monroe, and Robert E. Lee. It was also where Addison Hall was born on this day (September 3) in 1779.

After serving in the War of 1812 Addison returned home to marry Susan Edmonds and to become a partner with his father in a small store. After very little formal education, Addison taught himself the law. He became a lawyer and a politician – elected to the House of Delegates for five sessions.

After the Lord saved him in 1819, Brother Hall began to wonder if the Lord wanted him in His ministry rather than that of the State. He became a friend of J.B. Jeter and attended the churches in Wicomico and Morattico where Jeter preached. One Sunday when the pastor could not fill the pulpit, Hall was asked to deliver the message. He did well and the Lord blessed. When Jeter moved to Richmond, both churches called Hall to lead them.

Addison Hall was not as eloquent and flamboyant as some Virginians pulpiteers, but he was distinguished with the blessing of the Lord. His churches prospered. In order to support his wife and 18 children, he continued to serve in various governmental positions. He was a member of the Virginia Convention in 1861 and voted to remain in the Union, but when Virginia was threatened with invasion, he changed his position.

Many of his children went on to serve the Lord in various ways. For example, his eldest daughter Henrietta, married Jehu Lewis Shuck, and became one of the first American missionaries in China.