
Where do we find the first Biblical prophecy (Gen. 1:1; 1:26; 2:16-17; 3:14-15)? Why not 2:16-17?

It was (Adam; Satan; Jehovah; God) who uttered that prophesy. Jehovah God

Where do we find the first Biblical prophecy uttered by a man (Gen. 4:14; 5:24; 5:29; Jude 14-15) Jude

“Prophecy” might refer to (foretelling; preaching; speaking for God; intelligently guessing). Not “guessing”

Jude’s prophecy included (the incarnation; darkened sun; the coming of the Lord; judgment). Coming- judg

That not a prophecy of the incarnation because it (said “Lord;” it included saints; it came after the birth of Christ; it involved judgment). Included saints and judgment

“Saints” generally refers to (demons; angels; Old Testament believers; redeemed people). The redeemed

The first recorded prophecy uttered by any man was (about 30 minutes long; part of a gospel message; spoken by Enos; about the second coming of Christ). Second coming

The last prophecy in the Bible is found in (III John; III Peter; Jude; Revelation 22:20). Rev. 22:20

In some Bibles it is printed in red ink, indicating (it is more important than Enoch’s prophecy; it is more important than John’s prayer that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all; that it was spoken by Christ; that deserves the greatest possible emphasis). Spoken by Christ

By Rev. 22 Christ had already been (born, crucified; resurrected; glorified). All of these

Jesus Christ is (returning to earth some day; old; not finished with His creation; too busy to bother with us).

Based upon these prophesies we should be (diligently making money; concerned about our souls; expecting Christ; worried about tribulation). Living in expectation

The Day of the LORD.

Jehovah, the Lord, is not confined by (time, distance, ignorance, sin). All of these

The Day of the Lord is not confined by (time, weakness; humanity; sin). All of these

The Day of the Lord, as found in the Bible, (is not yet today; may begin today; will last for some time according to our clocks and calendars; will involve the return of Christ). All of these

Which of the following books do not speak of the Day of the Lord (Amos, Obad.; Zeph.; I Thess.) All do

II Peter says that the Day of the Lord (will come as a thief in the night; will involve the melting of physical elements; the passing away of the heavens as we know them; the burning of the earth). II Peter 3:10-12

In the context of that prophesy, Peter warns us that unbelievers and scoffers will deny Christ’s (deity; coming; grace; omnipotence). Coming.

Among other things the Day of the Lord involves Christ’s (grace; patience; smile; coming). Coming

Joel 2 describes many of the events of the Day of the Lord, and 2:11 sounds (loud; like it is literal; as though the Lord I personally present; angry). All

Isaiah 2:12 tells us that the Day of the Lord will be especially hard on (women, children, Jews; the proud). Prd

Isaiah 13 describes the Day of the Lord in detail, using words like (grace, mercy, patience, wrath) Wrath

“Behold, the day of the LORD ___________, cruel both with _____________ and fierce __________, to lay the land desolate: and he shall ___________________ the sinners thereof out of it.”

“Therefore I will shake the ________________, and the ________________ shall remove out of her place, in the _________________ of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce ________________.”

Has the Day of the Lord arrived yet?

What hill is to be found to the east of Jerusalem (Tubbs hill; Mount Zion; Mount Hermon; Olivet). Olives

As far as you know, has it ever been split in half?

Will it ever be split in half?

Zech. 14 says that (the XXXII Olympiad will be held in Jerusalem; the nations of the world will come to battle at Jerusalem; the city will be decimated; Jehovah will be there). Nations and the LORD

Zech 14 says that the feet of Lord (will wear army boots; will walk once again in Jerusalem; will stand on mount of Olives; will split Olives in two). Stand and split Olives

When did that literally take place (never; 52 BC; at birth of Christ; at the death of Christ). Never

We can explain Zech 14:4 allegorically (as salvation; the attack of the Romans under Titus; the attack of the Babylonians; Pentecost). None, not allegorical

This must (be future; be a lie; be an exaggeration; be ignored). Future

Has the Day of the Lord arrived?

At the time of Christ’s ascension, the angels told the disciples that (Christ was gone, that He was dead; that He would return; that He would return in the same way that He departed). Return as He had left

At Christ’s departure from this world He (ascended; was enveloped by clouds; sent two angels; frowned).

Christ Jesus has not yet (descended, come in clouds, cone with angels; returned a second time). All

Which scripture says that Christ will come in flaming fire (II Thess. 1:8-10; Matt. 24:27-31; I Pet. 1:6-9)? Thess

Which scripture says that Christ will come taking vengeance on those who obey not the gospel (II Thess. 1:8-10; Matt. 24:27-31; I Pet. 1:6-9)? Thess

Which scripture says that Christ will come in the clouds with power and glory (II Thess. 1:8-10; Matt. 24:27-31; I Pet. 1:6-9)? Matthew

Which scripture says that the trials of the saints will be found unto praise, honor and glory at the first appearing of Christ (II Thess. 1:8-10; Matt. 24:27-31; I Pet. 1:6-9)? I Peter

Have these things taken place as yet?

During Jesus’ lifetime, He was seen by (10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 10,000,000) people? ?????

Rev, 1:7 says that (100,000, 1,000,000, 10,000,000: everyone) shall see Christ at his coming. Every eye

Of course that scripture should not be taken (literally; figuratively enthusiastically; as imagination)

II Thess. 2:8 tells us that we should not fear the wicked one (because the Son of God became incarnate; Christ defeated him in his temptations; Christ has destroyed him with the brightness of His coming; he is in chains in the bottomless pit). He will be destroyed.

While Christ was here, His throne was set up in (Zion; Jerusalem; Rome; Washington) Not yet set up.

Matthew 25:31-33 says that during His earthly ministry, Christ gathered all the nation of earth to him at (Zion, Jerusalem, the Vatican, Salt Lake City). Hasn’t yet

Luke 1:32 says that Christ will (crush the heathen; save the Jews; spread democracy throughout the world; sit upon the throne of his father David). Sit throne of David

When Zech. 9:9-10 speaks of Christ’s kingdom spread from sea to sea; it means from (Galilee to the Dead Sea; Sea of Galilee to the Mediterranean; Papal see to N. Y.; everywhere).

And this occurred (during the incarnation; the rule of Moses; the reign of David; not yet). Not yet

Perhaps we should think of this kingdom and reign as (an allegory; a future reality; a phantom; a Jewish myth). Future

When Christ came unto His own, His own (disowned Him; received Him not; worshiped Him; received Him). Received Him not

All the nations of the earth (Zech 14:16) began traveling up to Jerusalem to worship Christ (on the day of His birth; on the day of His death; on the day of His return; not yet). Not yet

Since so many of these prophecies have not been fulfilled we should (not expect them; ignore them; expect them to be fulfilled; pray about them). Expect them

I Thessalonians 4:13-18.

We know that this scripture is talking about part of the Day of the Lord because (resurrection is mentioned; the archangel is mentioned; the saints are caught up with the Lord; two verses later we read of that day). 5:2

The Lord’s coming for His saints (is not a part; is a part; concludes; illustrates) the Day of the Lord. Is part

Can we know for sure when Christ will come for His saints?

Should we be surprised if the Lord came for us today?

Are you ready for the second coming of Christ?