Dear Pastor and Brethren:

Visitors in May

The first Sunday in May the Lord sent us eight visitors! They were the relatives of Bro. Phillip McGee: his mother and stepfather, his brother Gary and his wife and family. Those relatives are members of two other churches of like precious faith and order, both of which are some 75 miles away from us here in Stillwater. We rejoiced to have them with us and were encouraged to have them visit.

Intramission Activities

Bro. Phillip McGee has taken upon himself the responsibility of making and maintaining a website for the work, and is adding our articles of faith to it as I finish teaching and preaching on them. The website will not be activated until we have more information added to it, but we are excited to see what Bro. Phillip has done already.

Bro. Ruben Torres has taken the weekly responsibility upon himself to provide the services with a nice bulletin. He makes them up by pulling stock pictures from the internet, printing them, and then listing our upcoming activities, prayer requests, missionaries, hymns, sermon texts, and other pertinent information therein. They are very nicely done and are a blessing to us all.

Lord willing, in September, we are planning to host a Fifth Saturday Fellowship Meeting and will be inviting three pastors from churches here in Oklahoma to preach on one of the articles of the New Hampshire Confession of Faith. This will be a first for us to host such an event, and we are excited about it.

We had our first fellowship time at our home on Saturday, May 5th. We had good food and fellowship with most of the people that are coming to our services. We sang some hymns and Bro. Ruben Torres brought a devotional which I translated for him into Spanish because the Salomon Cardenas family was present. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful evening with no mosquitoes and cool weather.

Bro. Dick Gaches has put a solar spotlight on our sign causing it to light up after dark, a nice touch to draw attention to our existence!

Latino Ministry

Our Latino outreach has slowed down to almost nothing. We only had two new Mexican men with whom we were given opportunity to work: Miguel Angel Rivera Medina and Erlin Maradiaga Rivera. Miguel Angel is from Mexico, and Erlin is from Honduras. Please continue to pray for the Lords blessing on the work here.

By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim and Roxanne Parrow

II Timothy 1:7