Recovery Setback

I had been doing well at the rehab center going three times weekly to exercise lightly for an hour each session. Then my cardiologist arranged an appointment with a electrophysiologist for a consultation on implanting an ICD, or in other words, a defibrillator. To shorten the story, I was implanted in my left shoulder beneath my collar bone with a defibrillator/pacemaker on May 26th in Tulsa at the Oklahoma Heart Institute. During the process, I had an adverse reaction to the morphine they gave me for pain which caused a sudden drop in my systolic blood pressure from 116 to 64 leaving me quite weakened and in much pain. This caused a delay of another day in the hospital to find another pain reliever and for observation. Now I am home but under strict limitations for six weeks due to the surgery. I cannot raise my left arm above my shoulder (there goes song leading) nor pick up anything over ten pounds. I’m not allowed to use the vacuum cleaner for fear of pulling the leads out of my left ventricle and atrium. Furthermore, I’m so stiff and sore that I can’t play the piano with my left arm and feel the need to carry it in a sling. I’m not permitted to return to rehab for six weeks and so will lose all the benefits from the exercise that I had gained. On the bright side of all this, the Lord gave Roxanne and me traveling mercies to Tulsa and back, a nurse that found a pain reliever that I can tolerate, and an electronic device that is supposed to shock my heart into a correct beating rhythm if I should have another attack of arrhythmia. I go back to my cardiologist on June 4th to check the device for proper functioning and further instructions.

Please Keep Praying!

I know that I have been asking for your prayers for four months now concerning my health issues. You have been faithful to pray for us, and the Lord is slowly but surely answering your prayers. During this four month time period with the assistance of my wife, I have been able to finish my book on ecclesiology and send it to Bro. Oldfield for his review and critic. He has given me good advice and with a few adjustments it will be ready to print. Lord willing, I would like to be able to give a free copy of my book to all of the pastors of my supporting churches in appreciation for their church’s support of the Lord’s work through us during many years of service. Thank you and please keep praying. We need your prayers!

By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Timothy Parrow