
Which of the following was chosen to be a “martyr” of Christ’s resurrection (Peter; Matthias; Mary Magdalene; John the Baptist)? Acts 1:22 – “must one be ordained to be a witness (martyr) with us of his resurrection.”

What does the word “martyr” mean (sufferer; one who dies for a cause; a witness; an accident victim)?

Does the Bible ever call Jesus Christ a martyr (yes; no; I don’t know; only in prophecy). No

Was Christ Jesus a martyr (yes; no; I don’t know; only in prophecy). In a sense, yes

The word”martyr” is (a translation; a transmigration; a transposition; a transliteration)? Transliteration

What would you guess is the Hebrew word translated “martyr” (martus; marry her; Mary Magdalene; marveleous)? Martus – “mar-toos” it is a Greek word

In the Bible the original word “martus” is translated (martyr; record; witness; dead guy). First three

There are no martyrs in the Old Testament (true; false; not exactly; I don’t know). There are

In what book of the Bible do we find “martyr” most often (Genesis; Matthew; Revelation; Acts)? Acts

How many martyrs does it take to authenticate the truth (one; two; three; twelve)? Matthew 18:16 – 2 or 3

At the trial of Christ, the high priests were looking for (martyrs; witnesses; liars; miracles)? Martus

What they came up with were (false witnesses; pseudo-martur; liars; Jesus’ own testimony)?

After the priests heard Christ say, “hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right have of power and coming in the clouds of Heaven” they said that Jesus had (blasphemed; lied; martyred Himself; crossed the line)? Blasphemed and witnessed against Himself – martus

Jesus told His apostles that they would become martyrs after (the fall of Jerusalem; after His ascension; after they received power; the coming of the Holy Spirit)? Ac 1:8 But ye shall receive power after that

Stephen was a true martyr for Christ, and at the time of his death several other martyrs did something rather unusual; what was that – (they didn’t die with Stephen; they ran like rabbits; they laid their clothes on the ground; they sang the praises of Christ)? Ac 7:58 … the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young

What two people are named and called “marytrs” in the Bible (Jesus; Antipas; John; Stephen). Rev. 2:13

What two men lived at least 1,260 days after they became martyrs (Peter & John; Paul & Silas; the unnamed pair in Rev. 11; Ananias and Sapphira)? Rev. 11

Who said that God was His martyr (Jesus; Paul; Abraham; Timothy)? Ro 1:9 For God is my witness

To explain why he was slow in coming to Corinth, Paul called upon God to be his (martyr; record; witness; excuse)? First 3 – 2 Co 1:23 Moreover I call God for a record upon my soul, that to spare you I

In telling us to run the race which God has set before us, Paul reminded us that we are compassed about with (an army; the Heavenly host; the robe of Christ; a great cloud) of martyrs. Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing

Measurement, weights & values.

For the construction of the Tabernacle and the furniture inside, every man in Israel was to give (a shekel of gold; a bekah; three coins; a lamb)? Bekah – half shekel 1/4 ounce – Ex. 38:26

Of the manna, everyone in Israel was permitted to gather (a pound; 12 fluid ounces; 2 omers; 1 omer), except on what two days? Ex. 16:22 – omer – 6 pint? Except on sabbath and day prior

A cubit referred to (18 inches; 45 centimeters; the length of the average forehead; the length the average forearm)?

The breastplate of the High Priest, when folded into its final form, was (half a cubit by a cubit; a firkin square; a span this way and a span that way; like a pocket)? Span – Ex 28:16 – 9 inches???

With the daily sacrifice, the priests of Israel were to offer how much wine (a gallon; a hin; 1/25th af a hin; a firkin)? Ex. 29:40 – 1/4 par of an hin – 1.5 quarts?

A shekel was equal to twenty (pennies; pesos; gherkins; gerahs). Ex. 30:13

How much oil was to be offered to God for the cleansing of a leper (a pint; a quart; a tree; a log)? Le14:10

How much wheat did Ruth collect gleaning (a bushel; an ephah; a firkin; ten bekahs)? Ephah – 2:17 6 gal?

Shekels sometimes described different things (minutes & seconds; years & months; money & weights; good & evil)? Josh. 7:21; I Sam. 17:5 – ½ oz or 64 cents of silver

The molten sea was filled with two thousand (gallons; baths; bekahs; firkins) of water? I K 7:26 – bath 12,000 gal.?

The lip of the molten sea was measured with (a ruler; an handbreadth; a micrometer; a transom)? Hand

The Queen of Sheba gave Solomon gold measured in (tons, tonnes; talents; tallants)? 120 T – I K 10:10

Solomon made shields of gold which was weighed in (tons; bushel baskets; omers; pounds)? I K 10:17 lbs

The King of Syria sent Ahab ten units of silver; what where those units (coins; ounces; talents; camel back loads)? Talents – $2,500 each???

In order to help rebuild Jerusalem the Tirshatha gave a thousand (drams of gold; talents of silver; rice cakes; cubits of shitim wood)? Drams – Neh. 7:70 – $5,000??

The silver collected for the rebuilding of Israel during the days of Nehemiah was measured in (tons, pounds, kilos; firkins)? 200 pounds – $8,000???

Ezekiel’s temple was measured in (cubits; yards, reeds, metres)? Ez. 42:16 – 11 feet per reed??

Ten baths equals (one shinny child; two and half months; an homer; part of a core)? Last 2 – Ezek 45:14

Fifteen shekels equals (a dollar; a gerah; a pound; a maneh)? Ez 45:12 – Maneh – 2 pounds?

Which was not a measure of distance in the New Testament (cubit; mile; journey; reed)? All were

“A day’s journey” was equal to about (20 miles; 100 yards; 300 feet; half a mile)? 20 miles – Lk. 2:44

“A Sabbath Day’s journey” was equal to about (20 miles; 100 yards; 300 feet; half a mile)? ½ – Acts 1:12

A day’s wages in the New Testament was (a denarius; a penny; two chickens; a cup of latte)? 1st two

What were two sparrows worth (not a plug nickle; a farthing; a shekel; a cat’s meal)? Ma. 10:29

A farthing in the Bible was equal to about (1 centavos; 1 penny; ½ penny; a quarter of a penny)? 1/4

The carafe of wine created by Christ was measured in (gallons; pints; firkins; logs)? Firkin – 9 gal ea???

One of the widows made famous by Christ gave some money in the form of (mites; lice; coins; a federal reserve note)? Mk. 5:41 – about 1/8 cent

What measurement did Biblical sailors use to determine water depth (cubits; sonar; the hull of their ships; fathoms)? Acts 27:28

If a fathom was the distance between finger tips when the arms were outstretched, then it was equal to about (18 feet; 6 inches; 4 feet; 6 feet)?

The New Jerusalem will be measured using (cubits; yards; miles; reeds)? Rev. 21:15


The rainbow is a memorial (of the flood; of the storm which just passed; that God will never again destroy the world; that God will never again destroy the world with a flood)? Gen. 9:13-16

The Passover is a memorial (of Israel’s departure from Egypt; of the sinner’s salvation; of grace; of wrath)?

The Sabbath is a memorial of (Israel’s departure from Egypt; God’s work in creation; a week of hard work; Sunday family lunches)?

Where did Israel erect a memorial of twelve stones (Beersheba; Jordan; Hebron; Samaria)? Jos. 4:7

What was memorialized by their being placed inside the Ark of the Covenant (Aaron’s rod; manna; Philistine mice; tablets of the law)?

The Feast of Tabernacles was a memorial of (many joyful summer vacations; Israel’s stay in Egypt; the spies sent into the Promised land; the forty years in the wilderness)?

Who built a memorial at the “House of God,” commemorating his meeting with the Lord (Hezekiah, Solomon; Jacob; David)? Jacob – Gen. 35:14

Who had a memorial built over her grave just outside of Bethlehem (Rachel; Sarah; Rebecca; Sara)? Rach

Who built that memorial (Abraham, Isaac; Jacob; David)? Jacob – Gen. 35:20

Who, because he had no children, raised up a pillar calling it “his place” (Mephibosheth; Joab; Abishai; Absalom? II Sam. 18:18

The Lord’s Supper is a memorial of (Jesus’ birth; Jesus’ resurrection; Christ’s shed blood and broken body; bread and wine)?

Where did Paul find a memorial to the unknown God (Ephesus; Philippi; Mars; Athens)? Acts 17:23

In what form was that memorial (obelisk; pillar; tomb stone; altar)? Altar