Dear Pastor and Brethren:

Restarting Again!

By the strengthening grace of the Lord and the effectual work of your prayers, I am once again getting back to doing a little bit more than I have been able to do the last month. I have been given permission by my cardiologist to restart cardio rehabilitation, doing so on the 26th of this month. Physically, I am now able to walk from our house to the mailbox and back, a distance of 600 feet at a normal rate of speed. By the time I get back to the house I am breathing hard, so that I have to build up my stamina once again. In addition to my increase in the physical realm, I have also been able to increase my spiritual activities. I taught a Bible class sitting down for an hour with a Mexican man, Jose Vergas, on the 20th of June, and have given a witness to several other Mexican men such as Josue Perez, Pablo Gonzalez, Enrique, Baltazar and Daniel. Musically, I am not yet able to sing because of a congestion that I have had over my vocal cords since my heart attack in January. However, I think that the congestion is beginning to break up and hopefully the Lord will enable me to sing for His honor and glory once again. I am playing the piano for our services and am increasing my playing time in that area as well. The singing is so much better with accompaniment.

Additional Activities and Blessings

Roxanne and I have worked diligently on my book, Ecclesiology: A Study of the Local Church. It is 79 pages of interesting material with a forward, preface, table of contents, nine appendices, and complete bibliography. Soon it will be ready for printing by the Staples company who has given me an excellent price for the finished product. I intend it to be our gift to all of our supporting churches as a token of our appreciation for your support through all the years of our ministry. I am planning on printing 25 bound copies, and all of them are spoken for. Already it has been requested that I translate it into Spanish for usage on the mission field. However, that probably is beyond my current linguistic ability because of the nature of the book.

Additionally, we got to hear Bro. Paul Brown preach and declare the nature of the work he and his wife are doing in Thailand. The Lord has given them wonderful victories there, and the work is growing and demanding prayer and financial support as it grows.

Many thanks for the generous support and love offerings for this month from several of you churches to help with our medical expenses. Thank you for your prayers and generous giving!

By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim and Roxanne Parrow

II Timothy 1:17