
The word “ordinance” in our Bible literally means (baptism, communion; ammunition; tradition). Tradition

The Greek word translated “ordinance” refers to something (holy, special, passed down, eaten). Passed-

Which of the following are ordinances of our church (baptism; foot washing; communion; Lord’s supper)?

Which verse clearly speaks of “communion” as an “ordinance” (Matt 26:26; Mk. 14:22; Lk. 22:19; I Cor. 10:16; I Cor. 11:23). None of these

Which verse clearly speaks of “the Lord’s Supper” as an “ordinance” (Lk. 1:6; Rom. 13:2; 1Cor. 11:2; Col. 2:14; 1Pe 2:13)? None of these

The difference between “communion” and the “Lord’s supper” is (spelling; ingredients; administrator; the time of day when it is observed)? They are interchangeable terms

Is the Lord’s supper one of the traditions of our church?

Which verse clearly speaks of “the Lord’s Supper” as a “sacrament” (Lk. 1:6; Rom. 13:2; 1Cor. 11:2; Col. 2:14; 1Pe 2:13)? None of these

What is the root word underlying “sacrament” (sack (pillage); sac (pouch); sacred (holy); sacrifice)? Sacred

What is the modern meaning of “sacrament” (baptism; communion; Lord’s supper; a means of grace)?

Should baptism be considered holy?

Should the Lord’s supper be considered sacred?

Grace is (wonderful; a blessing of God; unmerited favor; a debt which God owes to you)? Not the last

Are either baptism or communion some sort of way to obtain the grace of God?

Is communion a sacrament?

The ordinance of communion, also called the “Lord’s supper.”

The Lord’s Passover is described in detail in (Ex. 12; Ex. 34; Lev.23; Num. 9) Exodus 12 and Numbers 9

After (200, 300, 400, 500) years in Egypt, the Lord commanded Israel’s return to their eventual land. 400

On the 14th day of Abib, the head of each Israelite family was to slay a small (child; lamb; bullock; cabbage) as a sacrifice to Jehovah. Lamb

If a family was too small, or poor, or childless, to make that sacrifice, they could join with (the local Rotarians; another family; the Catholics; the Egyptians). Another family

This sacrifice was to be presented to God at (the tabernacle; the altar; church; the high place). None

The blood of this sacrifice was to be (poured down the drain; made into a drink; poured out at the foot of the altar; sprinkled on the door the house) On the sides and lintel of the door.

The sacrifice was then to be (ground into hamburger; roasted; eaten with bitter herbs; packaged as snacks for the upcoming exodus). Roasted and eaten with nothing remaining.

That night the LORD passed over the land of Egypt and killed (the first-born children of Egypt; the first born sons of Israel; the wicked priests; the first born sons which were not in families where the blood of the sacrifice had not been properly applied).

This Passover became (a tradition; an ordinance; a noose; a millstone on the necks) of Israel. Ex. 12:14

It was (Paul, God, Moses, David) who called the Passover an ordinance. God.

Israel was commanded to observe the Passover (for ever; as a memorial; habitually; religiously). Ex.12:14

From the New Testament, we know that the sacrifice of the Passover was a (picture; prophesy; parable; protraction) of the future sacrifice of Christ. Picture and prophesy

The Israelite family which didn’t offer the correct sacrifice on the night of the Passover would have (had an extra breeding sheep; lost a son; gone hungry that night; had nightmares). Experienced death

The family which didn’t properly apply the blood of the sacrifice would have (had a clean doormat; had to repaint sooner; lost a son; be criticized by the neighbors). Lost a son

The sacrifice of the Passover became (intensified; useless; outdated; redundant) after the death of Christ.

The first Lord’s supper was observed (in Egypt; by Moses; on the night before Christ’s crucifixion; at the time of the Passover). At the Passover the night before the crucifixion

At the meal there was (lamb; fish; bread; wine). Not fish

At the first communion there were (Christ, His mother; His disciples; John the Baptist). Christ & disciples

The Lord’s supper is (the same thing as; the Christianized version of; the spiritualized version of; the shadow of) the Passover. None of these

The Lord’s supper (preceded; pre-dated; sanitized; followed) the Lord’s observance of the Passover meal.

The Lord’s supper was instituted by (Paul; Peter; John the Baptist; Christ Jesus). Christ

Jesus observed the Lord’s supper (once; twice; monthly yearly). Only once

The Bible teaches that we must observe communion at least (once; twice; twelve times) a year. Doesn’t

The Lord’s supper involved (lamb; fish; bread; fruit of the vine). Bread and wine

It is (essential; important; unnecessary) that we use the same elements as Christ did, or we will (loose our salvation; dishonor Him; negate the sacrament; thwart the grace of God).

Assuming that the Lord used the same bread as that of the Passover, it must have been (whole wheat; enriched white; sour-dough; unleavened). Unleavened

The drink that Christ used in the Passover was (2% milk; goat’s milk; water, wine of some sort). Wine

At our church we use (hamburger & cola; hot dogs & Koolaide; unleavened bread and fermented wine; unleavened bread and pure grape juice). Unleavened bread and pure grape juice

If we didn’t use these elements we would (loose our salvation; not do as Jesus’ did; block the grace of God; upset our Baptist brethren). We would be inconsistent with the Biblical example

In the Lord’s supper, when we eat the bread we are to think of (strawberry jam; the cook who didn’t fix it correctly; the Exodus; the body of the Lord Jesus). The body of Christ

When we drink the fruit of the grape, we are to think of (warm summer days; how thirsty we are; the blood of Christ; California or Southern France). The blood of Christ

The body of Christ is a part of our salvation in that Jesus (had one; suffered; died; was buried). Last three

The blood of Christ was required by God to (cover our sin and sins; make an atonement; prove Jesus’ death; satisfy the demands of the law). Cover, atone and satisfy

Only (sinners, repenting sinners; born-again believers; people seeking salvation) should partake of communion

One way in which we know this is (because of the clear command of God; the Passover; the first Lord’s supper; intuition). First celebration

Judas Iscariot (was present; partook; withdrew; got sick) at the first Lord’s supper. He had left

Communion (saves souls; cleanses hearts; purifies God’s churches; testifies of Christ’s sacrifice for us).

The Lord’s supper should be observed (in remembrance of Christ; reverently; corporately; humbly). All

Participation in communion should involve (thanksgiving, introspection; meditation; worship). All

The improper observance of the Lord’s supper can (be done; bring judgment; be embarrassing). Bring judgment – I Cor. 11:29-30

Should only born again people observe the Lord’s supper? Yes

Should only sinless people observe the Lord’s supper? Impossible

When observing the Lord’s supper, Christians (should never; should seriously; should casually; should carefully) consider that Christ is coming again. I Cor. 11:26.

Communion is the same thing as (the Lord’s supper; the Mass; baptism; preaching the gospel). Lord’s supper

Communion (should, should not, must be; must not be) served to people dying from auto accidents. Not

The Lord’s supper (should, should not, must be, must not be) served to elderly Christians living in nursing homes. Not

In God’s Word we (see; never see; only see; sometimes see) the Lord’s supper being served outside the assembly – the church. Never

Only (believers; Christians, baptized Christians; church members) should observe communion. Members

Only (believers; Christians; baptized Christians; members of the church serving the Lord’s supper) should be encouraged to participate. Members in good standing

When we ask non-members not to take the Lord’s supper with us we (are dishonoring Christ; declaring those people to be lost; following the Biblical pattern; proving our Baptist heritage). Bible pattern