In 1755 a church was established in North Carolina made up of refugees from New Jersey. It was called “Jersey Settlement,” and their first pastor was John Gano. When the local Indians made life miserable for the settlers, Gano returned north and many members fled from the area, greatly reducing the size and strength of the church.
Then on this day in 1874 they called J. B. Richardson to become their undershepard. When even more people moved from the area and spiritual apathy settled on the Swearing Creek area, Bro. Richardson made arrangements for the visit of Elder F. M. Jordan.
In the evangelist’s report, he said “I don’t know that I ever felt or witnessed more of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit both in the heart of saint and sinner. I preached a short sermon and many came forward for prayer. The meeting continued nine days. We had a prayer meeting every morning at 10:00 and by 9 o’clock the hill was lined with people, and inquiring souls were finding the Saviour precious to their souls. The whole community was moved by the power of the Holy Ghost. It was difficult to preach, indeed it did not seem to require much preaching; just pray and sing and rejoice. Sunday, the the last day of the meeting, was a memorable day in the history of old Jersey Church. A large number had been received, and were to be baptized. There was a nice stream running near the church, through a body of large timber, a beautiful place for baptism. The brethren prepared two large tents near each other – one for the males with the females in the other. Brother Richardson and I were both to baptize. The deacons went in with us to convey the candidates to us, and then to the shore. The number baptized was sixty-seven. There must have been between one and two thousand people present to witness the solemn scene. I would look up occasionally upon the vast assembly, and almost everybody seemed to be bathed in tears of love and gratitude to God for the wonderful display of His grace and goodness.”