The Lord of the Great and Notable Day – Acts 2:22-24

As most of you are well aware, I am calling this series “A THEOLOGICAL Study of the Book of Acts.” We’ve looked at the resurrection and then the ascension of Christ; Two things which are at the very heart of our faith. We’ve had messages on the Kingdom of...

Type, Antitype and Eternal Truth – Acts 2:25-28

There are quite a few proprietary words that we use in Bible-believing Baptist churches. By “proprietary” I mean that they are words that are basically the property of those churches. They are words that are used in very few places other than...

David and Jesus in Hell – Acts 2:22-36

Before we move on, we need to agree on a common definition of a very important Bible term. Twice in Peter’s sermon he referred to “hell.” Fundamental Baptists have been often called “hell and brimstone” preachers. You are a member of a...

Answering the Rationalist – Acts 2:22-36

We live in a very intellectually-confused world. I’m not talking about the THINGS about which we think, but rather the WAY in which we think. But I say that not as someone who professes to be superior. I fear that I follow the crowd almost as much as everybody else....

Cause and Effect – Acts 2:37-40

The title to tonight’s message is: “Cause and Effect.” The effect, as we see here, was that many people were pricked in their hearts at the preaching of Peter. You might think that the cause was Peter’s preaching. Many egotistical pastors think that...

The Promise and the Perimeters – Acts 2:37-40

I need you to remember the general theme of this series of messages: Most people read the Book of Acts as merely the history of the second phase of the Lord’s first church. Jerusalem was the site of the Lord’s first church. And the first era of the history of that...

Scoliosis – Acts 2:27-40

There are a number of debilitating diseases and maladies which are known to deform the human spine. If you look at a healthy back bone from the back, it should appear to be straight up and down. And if you look at it from the side it should have a slight...

The Defining Doctrine – Acts 2:41

The title to the message tonight is:”The Defining Doctrine.” Initially, I debated whether I ought to use a definite, or indefinite, article in that title. Is this THE defining doctrine or just one of several of our distinctives as a church? If you were...

Steadfast Continuance – Acts 2:42

Sometimes the pastor’s job is to simply reiterate the obvious. And that is what we have this evening. No razzle dazzle, no thrills, and no new ground. One of the reasons that I’m preaching this scripture is because the more mature we get as Christians, The more...

Fear and Favor – Acts 2:42-47

Let us say that there was a war between the United States of America and the Dominion of Canada. And let us imagine that you were in charge of a force of one hundred men stationed on the Canadian border at Eastport, Idaho. Let us say that you divided your men into...

Christian Communism??? – Acts 2:47-47

The title to tonight’s message is “Christian Communism.” If I wanted to, I could preach the entire sermon with just three words: “There AIN’T none.” Those who read these verses and try to say that they teach communism know nothing about either...

History of a Miracle – Acts 3:1-10

Despite the purpose and theme of this study in the Book of Acts, There’s not a lot of detailed, technical theology in this particular message. Tonight had like us to consider the simple history surrounding this miracle. But, as we’ve said before, there is a fine line...

Impotence versus Omnipotence – Acts 3:1-11

I have decided to come back to this scripture this morning, because it epitomizes the very best and worst in our world today. We have in these eleven verses an ILLUSTRATION of greatest problem that faces humanity. And I am not referring the problems of disease,...

Habits of Greatness – Acts 3:1-11

Do you have any habits? I wonder how many of your own habits you could put on a piece of paper if you really tried. I also wonder how many more habits that your family, or your friends, could identify. It might be that some of your habits are easily recognized by...

Thanksgiving at the Beautiful Gate – Acts 3:1-11

If I asked you, “What is the chief purpose of man?” how would you answer? The chief purpose of man is to glorify God. I Corinthians 10:31 – “Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” That all we do...